ch. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❚ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 004

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Akaashi Keiji. — IT'S FINE.

REQUESTED BY: @Anonymous_0629
Sorry for the wait, and I hope you enjoy(well, uh, I don't think that's the right word for this one) reading!

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"Bokuto-san!" Akaashi said as he sent yet again another set for Bokuto, who smiled every so bright upon hearing Akaashi's call. Spiking the ball as hard as he could, their team earned another point.

"That was so great, Akaashi!" Bokuto replied after landing on his feet, arms raised upwards as his smile grew even wider. "Toss to me again next time!" Bokuto beamed before hugging the shorter male who only threw him the happiest smile he had.

Fukurodani had once again won from their rival, making them closer to making it to the Nationals. And with a wide smile, everyone jumped in joy, including those who came to watch the game.

"I will, Bokuto-san," Akaashi replied before turning to look at the audience, looking for a certain raven haired girl that had the same silver streaks just like her brother, Bokuto Koutaro.

Finally, Akaashi had found her amongst the crowd. Bokuto Y/N.

'You all did so great!' Akaashi saw Y/N mouth, her smiling shining brighter than any of the lights that illuminated the whole court.

"Y/N-CHAN! WASN'T THAT LAST HIT SO COOL?!" Akaashi heard Bokuto shout from beside him, forcing a small smile to form onto his lips, out of adoration, admiration, happiness, and love.

That one smile Y/N wished she saw first.

"NII-CHAN WAS SO COOL THE WHOLE GAME!" Y/N praised, knowing that Bokuto would be put in a slump the moment she replies unethusiastically.

That being said, Bokuto was indeed amazing. There's a reason why he was called the ace, and that made Y/N respect her brother so much.

Once the team starts cooling down, Y/N went down to see everyone, greeting the managers and the coach in the process.

"Hey! Y/N-chan!" Bokuto beamed upon seeing Y/N making her way towards them. "My cutie little sister!" Bokuto said, hugging Y/N ever so tightly just like how he does everyone he sees her in the hallway.

"Bokuto-san, you're gonna kill your sister," Akaashi said, walking towards the two as Bokuto lets go of Y/N. "Y/N, when did you arrive? You weren't present earlier," Akaashi asked as he focused his attention towards Y/N.

"Oh? I was here the whole time," Y/N replied with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Akaashi.

Only if he looked at her the same way she did.

"You probably didn't notice because I was in the very far back," Y/N replied with an even brighter smile. "Nice game, Keiji!" Y/N said, lightly punching Akaashi by his shoulder, to which he returned with a heartwarming chuckle and a pat in the head for Y/N.

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