Wistful Thinking

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I woke up to the sound of Nikki and Kiri fighting. I groan and roll over burying my face into Mick's back. I heard Mick groan in pain. I shot back, slinging myself off the bed. Mick shot up and rushed over to me. Pain was all over his face and in his eyes, but he didn't seem to care.

"Oh my Lord, are you okay? Why did you throw yourself off the bed?!" Mick had a voice full of pain and worry.

"Because I hurt you. And I over shot. I was just trying to move back into my spot. I didn't expect to fly into the wall."

"Is everything okay? Nothing broken, fractured, or even bent out of place?" He stood there freaking out and ignored his pain to make sure I was okay.

"Mick. Please. Calm down. I'm okay. I swear. Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry."

He just shook his head and helped me up. I looked in his eyes. His eyes were awash with pain and worry. This guy, I swear.

"Uh, Mick. Can we talk? About the conversation between me and Vince the other month."

He just looked at me and sat on my side of the bed. I sat beside him and crossed my legs Indian style. He turns delicately and faced me.

I took a deep breath before I started talking, "so, I know it probably sounded confusing. The back and forth of me and Vince. Anyways, I have this ability. It's weird and hard to pinpoint facts out of it. I can see the future of the path I'm on with how my heart feels."

I paused for him to catch up and to process the information.

He was shocked and he looked like he almost didn't believe me. The fighting between Nikki and Kiri had stopped, or at least was no longer in the house.

"Mick, I have a question." I hesitated.

If I get his real name right, he'll have to believe me.

"Okay... What is it?"

I sigh, "is your name Robert?"

His eyes widened. He was shocked and a bit horrified. His face went angry, "did Nikki tell you? Are you and him trying to confuse me?"

I looked at him in fear, "Mick... Calm down... Please. Nikki doesn't even know about my ability. And I highly doubt anyone but myself and Vince know your real name, if it is indeed Robert."

"Look, it's Mick Mars for all tense and purposes. Robert Deal was a dumbass kid who slept on park benches because he had no money to spare after child support payments. And if you truly have this so called ability, I still want you. I still like you. I still want us to see if this will work out."

"Mick, thank you. You don't know how much that means to me. My last boyfriend raped and abused me in hopes any offspring would have the ability and he could sell them to freak shows. I think Isaiah has the ability because Jamie is the one who ended up in a ditch. Now he has been trying to pin Jamie's death on me and Vince. I'm just glad to have found someone accepting."

He hugged me and I hugged him back. I smiled and nuzzled into the space between his chin and shoulder of his neck. I inhaled his scent and sigh in happiness.

The fighting started again in the kitchenette and we heard something shatter. We quickly rushed in there and saw Kiri on the floor with glass surrounding her and Nikki standing over top of her angry.

"What did you just say to me?" He asked her with an angry tone.

"What the hell?!"

I rushed over to Kiri and helped her off the floor.

She looked at him with teary eyes, "I'm pregnant and I am not tell you who the dad is. He won't step up, so why should I try?"

I tried to help her up but Nikki pushed her back down. She fell back onto the glass and cut the inside of her palm.

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