𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖲𝗂𝗑: 𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨

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I woke up on the couch in my mother's living room. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. When they finally did I stretched and yawned, causing the blanket that was wrapped around me to fall. I could hear the sound of food sizzling on a pan. I wondered into the kitchen still half asleep. "Good morning!" My mom greeted as she scrambled eggs on a skillet. I yawned again, "Morning". "Can you start the rice cooker?" My mom asked, beginning to boil tea. "Yep" I mumbled walking over to the machine. Geez I was tired. "How are you feeling?" My mom asked, there was a hint of worry in her voice "You were really upset last night". I sighed, "I don't really know...could be better?" I was still really sleepy. "Well your friends have been trying to call you all night" She said, cutting something that I was too lazy to see up. "Greateee" I said sarcastically. "You know Denki" My mom began, she always started long tangents with 'You know Denki' so I prepared myself to get my ears talked off. "You should tell them your transgender! If they don't support you then they aren't your real friends. If they do then you have nothing to worry about".

I groaned, "It's not them I'm worried about! I'm worried about other people finding and out...The more people that know a secret the more likely it is for others to find out. Besides, I don't want to be treated differently, good or bad!" I began scooping rice into two bowls. "I understand" My mom replied putting her hand on my shoulder, "I just think they deserve a explanation. It will be harder for them to trust you if they know your hiding something from them". I sighed again, "I guess...I'll think about it". Finally we sat down for breakfast. "Your father's coming over so we can talk about the way he's been treating you" My mom mentioned as we ate. "Oh goodie" I said pretending to be excited. My mom sall right threw it. "Listen, I know that this is probably the last conversation you want to have with your dad. But I just need to be sure that when I send you to his house your as happy as possible" She reasoned. I nodded, I knew my mom didn't really like my dad. She had lost her love for him a while ago, and I knew it pained her to even see him. This made me grateful her sacrifice.

This still didn't make me want to talk to my dad about being trans, again. Saying that he didn't understand it was a understatement. It also didn't help that he didn't even bother to try to understand. It was really frustrating. A few hours passed and there was a knock at the door. "Denki can you get the door?" My mom called from upstairs. "Yeah!" I replied equally as loud. I walked over to the door to be greeted with the face of my dad. And Ichika. "Hello Daika! Where's your mother?" He smiled. I hated when he used my dead name. "She's upstairs..." I said slowly, eyeing both of them up. Then on que my mom came downstairs and came up behind me. I could tell when she sall Ichika she thought the same thing I did; what's this fucking whore doing in my house. But she put on a sweet face, "Come in!". She guided them to our dining room and when everyone sat down she began talking. "I invited you here so we could talk about Denki being transgender. He feels as if your not accepting him for who he is" She said, pouring tea for everyone.

"Being tran or whatever you call it isn't real. You can't just pretend to be a boy" Ichika interrupted, she didn't even bothered looking up from her phone. Not to mention the annoying smacking of the chewing gum she had. I could tell my mom was pissed. But she kept her sweet face on. Honestly she could have won a Grammy for this performance. "I don't believe it really matters what you think" My mom said in the most passive aggressive tone possible. "Yes it does" Ichika snarled, finally looking up from her phone to glare at my mom. "Im dating her father. So unfortunately she's my daughter too. And I don't want a fag as my child". Finally my mother broke character. She jumped up from her seat shaking the teacups on the table. "I believe you have my son mixed up with one of your many crack babies! Last time I checked you didn't push him out of your disgusting, infected, stretched, VAGINA. Now. Your going to get out of my house! Or I'm calling the police on you for trespassing!"

Ichika had poked the bear, and now it was mad. "Whatever whore!" Ichika scowled, standing up and going outside. "Sakura, your being unreasonable!" My dad yelled. "No I'm not. Your are! Not only are you ignoring our child's wishes, and identity. But your also bringing that homophobic drug addict into his life!" My mom snapped. "So what smokes a bit and has her options! I love her!" My dad yelled back. My mom shook her head, "More then your own son apparently!". "I think you mean daughter" My dad hissed, as he got up to leave "Both of you guys are delusional!". As soon as the door slammed shut my mom bursted out in tears. I walked over and hugged her, it was the least I could do. This was all my fault that the fight even happened. After a while she calmed down and started making dinner. But now I had another problem. My friends were asking me why I wasn't in school. And if I could attend the sleepover. Both of those things slipped my mind. After a eternity of just staring at my phone, I decided to text back. Sure I can go. But meet me in front of the school tomorrow, I have something to tell you. I really hoped this wouldn't backfire on me...

𝖡𝗈𝗒𝗌 𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 | Trans!Denki Kaminari AUWhere stories live. Discover now