Part 1

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Who knew that after all these years and all these hardships id find true love again. But of course he's married. I've made mistakes in the past and I promised myself to never repeat them. And who knows...maybe it's just one sided. I mean he's happily married I'm sure...he's been married for a really long time and has three girls...he's happy. But still, it's not fair. What am I feeling? He makes me laugh all the time..but so did marc and look what happened there. But marc never appreciated who I was. He wanted me to be someone I'm not. Harry accepts me for who I am and loves it. There I go again...he's married jen!

I love the peaceful. Her lips are soft and her body is beyond perfection. How did I get so lucky? Being here with her...feels so perfect. Her smile is what I wake up for and making her laugh makes me feel special and it's become my daily goal. Suddenly it started to get dark and rain started to pour down.
Harry woke up and jen was gone. Laying beside him was Jill.
Harry rubbed his eyes and laid back in bed disappointed. The dream felt so good to him.

American idol auditions start today. All judges are heading over to Nashville and are supposed to stay the night there.

As Jen was getting ready, she couldn't help but think of Harry. She was excited to see him. He makes going to work exciting.
Jen *I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't part of Idol.* she thought to herself.
As jen made one last look at her pink lace dress she thought of harry and how much he's going to love it. He always appreciated and loved the way she dresses and presents herself. Always complimenting even though he was joking most of was still special to her.
Harry getting ready was a different story. After the dream he had, it made all his thoughts of Jen become more real. It was hard enough sitting next to what he thought in his mind; the most beautiful woman in the world. How can she be so stunning?! She makes me nervous but I use my sense of humor to help. I love the way she laughs. Jill never finds me funny..actually more annoying than funny. But jen, she makes me feel special and I look forward to spending the days with her. Even though it's work, it dosent feel like it.
Later in the day after auditions Ryan and the judges headed over to grab dinner together. Jen changes into a green dress while the men changed into casual jeans and tops.
The dinner was nice they all laughed and enjoyed the food. Keith felt tired and headed over to his room to sleep. Their was a wedding going on at the hotel and when the bride and groom found out who's having dinner there they invited them all over.
Jen: oh I don't know if I'm in the mood to attend a's getting late.
Ryan: come one jen, you know their only inviting us because they heard jlo is here.
Jen laughs
Harry: come on Jen, the night is still young!
Jen looks over to harry and thinks that these are some of the rare moments where she can spend time with him alone without the kids or her team.
Jen smiles "sure"

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