Part 5

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They drove back in silence yet again. It started to rain and get colder.
Harry took off his jacket and put it on Jen and she laid her head on his shoulder as they walked back into the hotel.
He walked her back to her room.
Jen "thank you for today. You grew up in a nice city...with great food!"
Harry laughed
Harry "it was my pleasure. Thank you for keeping me company and this has to be one of the best days of my life"
Jen just smiled
Jen "mine too.."
She turned around and went into her room. She closed the door and leaned back against it and took a deep breath. This was the saddest day not the best for her.
She went to start a bath to help her relax.
Harry was still staring at her closed door.
Harry *how can I be so stupid*
He left and walked back to his room.
He decided to call jill.
Jill "yes what do you want?"
Harry "umm idk maybe talk to my wife"
Jill "that's cute harry but I'm kind of busy you know cooking and cleaning but how is your vacation?"
Harry "for the 100th time it's not vacation it's work Jill. You know the thing that pays the bills"
Jill "right, is that all?"
Harry "yes good night"
Frustrated harry walked back and fourth. I mean what did he do wrong in his marriage he thought to himself. He tried his best to be a great husband and father. But the love and passion just died out. They came to a silent agreement of being in a marriage to raise their kids together. Apparently jill came to the agreement a lot sooner than he did. But he deserves happiness? He deserves to be in love. Harry came to a decision.
He walked back towards jens room and was so sure of his decision.
Jen just came out of her bath. She felt like sleeping in something that made her feel sexy. She choose a black lace slip and put it on. She lit her fav candles and grabbed a book to read and set it near her bed. She started to put on her daily body lotion and oil until she heard a knock on the door.
Jen "who is it?"
Harry "it's harry"
That's weird she thought. Did he forget something. She slid on a black silk robe and opened the door.
Harry couldn't believe his eyes. He smelled vanilla as she opened the door and the vision of her in black silk with the candles almost had him lose it. He was speechless.
Jen "come in"
And so he did. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.
Harry "your breathtaking"
Jen blushed
Jen "thanks harry"
Harry "I'm sorry"
He started to walk towards her and had her locked against him and the door.
Jen looked up at him
Jen "for what"
Harry "for not doing this earlier"
He kissed her and felt his blood boil. His head got light headed and he felt himself in a trance.
Jen felt the same and couldn't believe it. *This has to be the best kiss I've ever had.*
Harry slid his hands under her robe and took it off while Jen was busy taking off his shirt.
They broke the kiss to catch their breath. Their heads we're spinning and both of them needed to lay their heads on each other.
what is this feeling? They both thought to themselves. It was new to both of them but whatever it is, they both wanted more! Harry lifted jen up and kissed her again. He carried her to the bed..
All they heard was the sound of the rain against the window.

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