Part 3

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A week passed and finally jen had something to look forward too. Her week was busy with rehearsals and business meetings. She's been looking forward to seeing Harry again and his home town! She couldn't wait to laugh again and to just FEEL!!
As silly as it sounded, she was awakened with all these feelings that she hasn't felt since...the beginning of bennifer. Difference was deep down she knew Ben wasn't the right choice as much as she wanted him to be. He had to many Demons to battle and she was never enough. Her mom loved him which made it worse because she never loves anyone she dates. Now that she thinks about it, her mom loves Harry too! But harry feels right, even though it may never happen..she can enjoy her time with him for now.
Jen met harry at the airport and it felt like the first time every time she laid eyes on him, she got butterflies or what she likes to call "goosies"!
Harry *how does she get more beautiful with each passing day!*
He kissed her on the cheek and hugged her.
Harry "how you been jlo? No private plane today?"
Jen rolled her eyes
Jen: No! I'm jenny from the block remember! How many times do I have to remind you!
Harry laughed and put a arm around her shoulder
Harry "let's go before they fly out without us"
Jen laughed
Harry *music to my ears, I should make a recording of her laugh" he thought as he smiled to himself.
The plane ride there was short but they got to drink tea together and play cards.
Jen "I win!!"
Harry "calm down! You would think you'd get less excited after your fifth winning!"
Jen "hahaha nope! It just gets better"
Harry threw his cards and jumped on her to see what she had!
Jen screamed and tried to move but he was quick and she was under him before she knew it!
Jen *i haven't felt the weight of a man on top of me for a long time...i forgot how amazing it feels"
Harry was looking down on her and they both stopped laughing
Harry felt himself wanting her at that moment had he not remembered where he was he would have kissed her.
Jen *kiss me harry*
Harry was starting at her lips and felt himself get heavier on her. Jen looked back at him and bite her lips.
"we will be landing in 5min, everyone remain seated and fasten your seat belts"
Both jumped off at the sound and looked around. Thank god no one was looking and the seats around them was empty. Both sat in their seats and Harry reached over and buckled jen in. She looked back at him and he sat back.
The rest of the ride was in silence.

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