Part 4

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They arrived in New Orleans and the weather was chilly and the sky cloudy. They drove to the hotel in silence until Harry spotted one of his fav joints to eat when he's back home.
Harry: "you hungry jen?! Yes you are! Your gonna try some of the best food here!"
Jen smiled "let's do it!"
The food was amazing and jen laughed and smiled while Harry told childhood stories. It was nice.
Ryan calling.
Jen "hey Ryan!"
Ryan "where are you guys? We have to go over the timings for tomorrow morning"
Jen "were on our way"
Jen looked at Harry
Harry "Ryan?"
Jen "yup, we're needed!"
They drove to the hotel where Ryan was waiting. All the judges went over the schedule for the next morning and after they were finished Jen and Harry we're left alone stating out the window.
Harry "looks like Ryan forgot the camera crew! Let ago!
Jen "go where?!"
Harry "down memory lane haha I'm gonna show you around my city!"
Jen laughed and for a moment felt excited and special. He wanted to her Her around and that made her feel warm inside.
They drove around and Harry stopped the driver every time he remembered a place. He took her to his childhood home. Fed her at all his fav places. In the end they found themselves at his fav spot. A spot surrounded by tress and flowers. A hidden spot. Harry's special spot.
Jen looking around
Jen "it's beautiful Harry!"
Harry smiling watching Jen and never taking his eyes off her
Harry "thanks, it's my fav spot. A secret"
Jen "oh really, no wonder you didn't want the camera crew around. So no one knows your secret!" Jen laughed
Harry kept smiling thinking *i didn't want them around because I wanted to be alone with you*
He brought along some cheese and grapes and a bottle of wine.
Jen looked at the wine
Jen "oh Harry that's so sweet! To bad I don't drink!"
Harry "oh sorry jen I forgot"
Jen "it's ok I can take a sip"
Jen smiled and took the glass from Harry.
Harry toasted "to a new year of american idol"
Jen laughed "cheers"
They drank and harry put his arm around Jen and they laid against a tree looking out and admiring the nature that surrounded them.
They talked and laughed and both we're surprised at how right it felt. They were so comfortable with each other.
Jen "it's getting late, we have a early morning tomorrow"
Harry frowned "yea I guess your right"
But neither made a move. They waited a couple more minutes and jen started to get up. Harry held out his hand and helped her up. Jen's back was against the tree and harry held here there staring down at her.
They both stared into each other's eyes.
Harry "hi"
Jen "hey"
Harry moved a strand of hair from her face.
Harry "your so beautiful"
Jen "thank you..*smiling jen thought to herself this can't be happening*
Harry wrapped his hand around her waist and stepped closer to jen leaving her no room to move.
It felt so perfect to him and it's been awhile since he's been able to hold a women like that. It's sad really since he's married and his own wife doesn't want him near her.
*jill* suddenly he felt a rush of guilt, followed by anger by the way she's been cold to him. But still, does it justify what he wants to do and how he feels about Jen.
He laid his forehead on Jen and she felt a tug of sadness.
She pulled herself together quickly.
Jen "the car is here better head over"
Jen took his hands off her and walked away before he saw the tears stream down. She wiped them off quick and told herself she's foolish. She's stupid for thinking it can be anymore and want it to be more.
If there was a word for a mix of sad, mad and regret that's what he would call what he's feeling.
Harry punched the tree and felt the blood come down his hand.
Harry *i want YOU jen!* he screamed in his head. And felt more anger towards Jill for being the reason he couldn't act on his emotions to a women who treats him like he his her world. And married to a women that makes him feel unwanted and unloved.
Harry wiped his hands and walked back to the car. He found her sitting inside staring at the window.
She wouldn't look at him.
And now he felt even more pain as he stared out of his own window.

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