Part 6

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The next morning, Harry woke up to the most beautiful woman in his arms. Jennifer's head was against his neck and his arms hugged her tight. He felt like he never wanted to let her go.
Jen's alarm went off.
Jen turned and as she stretches her arms she laid eyes on Harry and smiled big.
Jen "hey"
Harry kissed her "hey"
They started to make out and Harry couldn't help himself.
They made love again and went to shower.
He poured shampoo on her hair and trying to not get it in her eyes.
Jen kept laughing and washed Harry's back. They started to make out and one thing led to another again.
They both got dressed but Harry still had to go back to his room to get fresh clothes.
Harry kissed jen "I'll see you in a little"
Jen smiled "see you then"
She closed the door behind him and rested her head against the door. But this time she felt happy and in love.
She couldn't believe this was happening and remembered why.
She grabbed her head and sat on the ground *Harry has a wife* it was so easy to forget her when she acted on her emotions. But now she thought she's left with guilt. *how can I sleep with a married man!! How could I be so stupid*
Harry got back to his room and changed quick. All he thought about was jen and how yesterday couldn't have been more perfect.
They both met up at the idol auditions room.
Harry felt jen cold.
Harry "hey jen"
Jen without looking at harry "hey"
*i can't look at him, i'll remember yest and just cry*
Harry shrugged it off and they both tried to get through the auditions quickly and professionally.
After they were done, harry ran after jen to keep up with her walking.
Harry "Jen!"
Jen "what harry?"
Harry "what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"
Jen stopped and turned around to look at him straight in the eyes.
Jen "I love you that's what's wrong"
Harry "I love you too jen, you know how I feel about you"
Jen looked away so she doesn't cry
Jen "I know..but your also married and I slept with a married man. Do you know how awful that makes me feel?!"
Harry grabbed her arm
Harry "you have nothing to feel guilty about if anyone is to blame it's me. I'm stuck in a loveless marriage. And I'll give anything to be with you jen. Your not making me leave jill. This is what I've wanted for years and you just made it more easier for me"
Jen "your leavin her? Harry you can't break up your marriage because of me your kids!"
Harry "my kids are grown ups and are all in school. It's not healthy for them to see their parents act cold to each other. We stayed together to raise them and now theirs nothing left between us. I want to be with someone who makes me feel loved which is what you do. I love you jen beyond words. I never thought is find true love this late or this way but I found you baby"
Jen couldn't stop the tears from coming down.
She hugged harry
Jen "neither did I. I've never felt this before and I want to be spend the rest of my life with you. You make me laugh, you love who I am as a person. Your sweet and honest I can't ask for more"
Harry was so touched. It had been awhile since he's heard nice things.
He held her face in his hands and kissed her.
They walked back to her hotel room and made love again.

Back home Harry was in a cab back to his house. He was thinking of how he was going to break it to jill and the girls. He knew it was the right thing, but he felt nervous.
Harry walked into the house calling Jill's name but seemed like no one was home.
He walked to the bedroom and couldn't believe his eyes.
Jill in bed with another man. And it looked like his doctor!
Harry "Jill!"
Jill jumped off and tried to cover herself.
Jill "Harry omg u weren't supposed to be home till much later"
Harry "ya we had an early flights
, sorry I interrupted you"
He closed the doors and walked back out.
As much as he waned to feel angry he felt relieved. That was a sure sign that they didn't belong to each other anymore. And was glad he had a way out now without involving jen.
Later that night Harry and Jill sat down to talk.
They finally were honest with each other and both confessed it was time they ended their marriage and moved on. Neither of them was happy and the love just died out. They gathered their girls and told them. They took it much easier than they expected. They too felt the coldness in the air and were expecting this for a long time.
A week passed by and lawyers drew up their divorce papers. Harry moved out and got a place of his own near jen.
Jen and Harry kept their relationship out of the press for months until his situation with Jill finished.
They continued to keep it private until the season finale of american idol. In the end they both turned to each and Harry picked jen up and kissed her hard.
The audience erupted and they were well accepted by the idol family.
The next season of american idol ratings went on to have the highest ratings in history. When asked why?
it was a simple answer...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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