Chapter 3

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Jess' P.O.V
I drove back to my apartment. I had one roommate named Ari. I set my keys on my table and immediately dialed a number on my phone. It rang 3 times before she picked up. "Hey Danielle. I got your message, what's wrong?" I asked. (if you don't know who this is she is the main character in L.A a fan fiction one of my other trillion books. If you haven't read it yet I suggest you do but start at chapter 4 because everything before that is boring) She was crying. "Where are you?" I asked. "On the bus" she wept. "Calm down. What happened?" I asked. "K-Kian and I-I kissed and I told A-Aaron a-and I told h-him that I didn't m-mean for it to h-happen and h-he dumped me" she finally finished. "what?" I my voice cracked. "I don't know what to do" she stumbled over her words. "Just calm down" I said. It took her a bit but she finally calmed down. "I-I still love him" she said. "I know you do, but just give him time" I said. "But I think I like K-Kian" she said. I rolled my eyes. I don't see the problem. She is loved by everyone what doesn't she have?. "who is that?" Ari asked. "Danielle" I replied. She nodded. "Then forget about Aaron" I replied to Danielle. "But I can't" She whimpered. "If he didn't believe you and he was a jerk to dump you because of one mistake. He isn't right for you!" I said. She was silent. "I know Kian. He isn't like that" I said. "Just take a break from Aaron for a while and focus on the tour" I said. "Thank you" she said. "Bye" I replied. I hung up and face palmed. "Popular kid problems" Ari said. "Tell me about it" I sat down on the couch. "We should go out" she said. "I went out last night" I whined. "We should go out again." she said. "but it's 12:14" I said. "Oh well" she replied. "C'mon. At least to the Escarpment" she said. "I guess" I replied. "Well what are you waiting for? Get dressed" she rushed. I walked to my room and got dressed into a long blue cardigan, a lace white crop top and short shorts. I got my brown combat boots and folded them over. I walked out to see Ari standing there. "Dayum gurl" she said. "Let's just go" I rolled my eyes. We drove as far as the parking lot to the trail up the escarpment. We got out and started walking. "I'm surprised you had this idea. Because you hate walking" I said. "Hey! I like it sometimes" she nudged my arm. "Mmmhhh" I said. A group of guys past us on the way up and Ari smirked. "they were cute" she said. "Hint hint" she nudged my arm. "Uh let me see NO" I said. "why" she whined. "Because I'm not interested" I said. "wait" she stopped me. "You like someone" she smirked. "I don't know what you are talking about" I started walking again. "You Do! Who is it?" She asked. "No one. I told you" I said. I couldn't help but blush. "C'mon Jess. I'm your best friend don't you think I should know?" She said. Guilt huh. I see how this works. "You should see how desperate you look right now" I laughed. "Shut up and tell me" she said. "You told me to shut up so I guess I can't" I smirked. We got to the top where there was the B E A UTIFUL view of Los Angeles. I sat down on the dirt and she sat beside me. "I swear Jess I will push you off the side of this mountain" she was serious. "I just don't know" I said. "I don't exactly know if I like him yet" I said. "Da fuq" she said. "Pathetic. You have to know!" She said. "I still think he's mourning" I said. "Over what?" She asked. "His girlfriend died not too long ago. I don't know if I should make things worse" I sighed. "Wait. This isn't about that" she said. "This is about Mordecai" she said. I sighed and looked at the dirt. "Jess. We are all sorry about what happened to him. But you couldn't have done anything to save him. It's life. You have to let it go" she said. "It's not that easy" I said. "I don't get what is so hard" she said. "Because you didn't watch the person you love most in this world slowly die! You don't know what it feels like" I said. "I love you most in the world. And you are slowly dying" she said. "You have to find someone else" she said. "That's what he would want" I sighed. "I guess" I said. "But not until you do" I smiled. "Then I guess you will never find someone else" she joked. "I just don't want to mess things up again" I said. "You won't. Even if you do, I will be right here" she said. I smiled. "thanks" I hugged her and got up. "Well I have to finish season 4 of Pretty Little Liars so we better get going" I said. She laughed. We walked back to the car and drove home. I got dressed into more comfortable clothes and watched Netflix on my MacBook for the rest of the night.

The next day

I wanted to go to the beach so I pulled Ari out of bed. "C'mon Fattie get your ass out of bed" I said. "No name calling you Whore" she moaned. "There will be guys" I said. She immediately jumped up and ran into the bathroom. She is too desperate. I got changed into a black lace ruffled bikini and I straightened my hair. I loved to surf. So much. it was always my favourite thing to do even in Florida when I was little. She finally came out. I got my flip flops on and jumped in the car. we drove down to the beach. We set our towels down and she immediately asked. "do you think w-" I cut her off. "Yes we can rent Seadoos" I smiled. She jumped up and down. We went to this small boardwalk by the water and had to wait for ten minutes. We stood there. Casually. Until a familiar face walked up. "Hey" I smiled. "I wasn't expecting you to be here" I said. Ari finally found interest in what I was doing and poked her head into the conversation. "Jess, who's this" she smiled. "Oh. Ari this is Jack. Jack this is Ari" I smiled. "Nice to meet you" he said. She smiled awquardly. "Okay well nice seeing you" she smiled. We got our life jackets and we walked down the board walk to two bright blue seadoos. "Ready" I smirked. "Ready" she smiled. We got on them and I just pushed away from the board walk. I immediately started forward, leaving Ari behind me. "No fair!" She screamed. I got pretty far out into the water before I stopped. There were waves. This made it dangerous, in my eyes, dangerous means better. I went faster than I did before and I went full speed into a wave and I flew off the seadoo.

Ari's P.O.V
"No fair!" I screamed. Jess got a head start. She stopped then started going faster. The water got rough and the next thing I knew she flew off of the seadoo. "Jess!" I screamed. I went as fast as I could over to where her seadoo sat in the water. I couldn't see her. "Jess!" I screamed again. I felt something around my foot and I fell into the water. I came up for air and screamed. "Jess! You scared the shit out of me!!" She just laughed. "Don't EVER do that again!" I yelled. "Okay mom" she said. I splashed her. We pulled ourselves onto the seadoos and rode back to the peer. We took our life jackets off and walked back to the car.

Jess' P.O.V
I was happy I scared the shit out of Ari. I got my board from the back of the car and walked to the water. The water was up to my torso so I lied on my board and started paddling forward. "Try to keep up" I yelled to Ari. "We don't do much surfing in Canada" she yelled. "I know" I smiled. I stood up and waited for the waves. I went over a couple small ones then there was this big one. "Hold on" I yelled. "To what!?" She yelled back. The wave started curling behind me and there wasn't much space left. I put my hand in the water as I went forward. I managed to ride out of the wave which is really hard to do and I jumped off of my board. "Let's go home" I smiled. "Agreed" Ari looked exhausted and in pain. The pain will get worse tomorrow.

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