Wanting to kiss you

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When I finally located my way home through the mist of winter settling in I was relieved to see Alice on my front step looking at me. She didn’t smile at me and I didn’t smile at her either. I helped her up and opened the front door.

"Aaric you’re home! Do we need anything from the shop? I forgot to go yesterday and we’re out of so much food that I…"

My mother was so busy rushing around the kitchen and living room that when she reached the front door where I was standing with Alice her mouth dropped and she lost her train of thought.

"Forgot what to get… Um who’s this lovely girl?" She stared at Alice who was clinging to my side and smiling at my mum.

"Hello Mrs Maark, I’m Alice I’m a friend of Aarics from school."Alice spoke so softly and calmly that I forgot that she hadn’t yet met my mother. My mother looked at me in surprise and then back and Alice and grabbed her handbag from the side and searched for her keys in a frantic mess, yet again.

"I’m going to the shop then I have to get some books back to the library, I’ll be back in maybe one two hours or less? Runa said she’ll be back after she’s gone to Town to pick up her friend or something. I’ll see you guys soon!"

She spoke so quickly and moved with such speed that I lost track of what she was saying most of the time and by the time I did understand what she was saying she was gone. I walked upstairs without looking at Alice but assuming she’d follow me either way, which she did, and I sat on my bed waiting for her to tell me why she was here. I looked at her and she was taking of her jacket and putting it on the heater.

"I broke up with Jonah." she looked so nervous to tell me those 5 words that I wondered if she was the same Alice I knew or replaced by an identical but nervous clone.

"I’m sorry."

I got up to get changed at that moment, trying to distance both of us from the topic of Alice dumping Jonah. I was happy they had broken up, I just wasn’t happy that Alice looked so silent and still about it. I took off my heavy jumper and jeans and replaced it for my Nike jogging bottoms and a grey shirt. I knew Alice was watching me but for once I wasn’t anxious around her. I turned and sat with my back up against a pillow on my bed. My legs were crossed and I waited for Alice to sit facing me, knowing that she would. I looked at her as she sat down, hair a wavy mess and only a white baggy jumper on and black bottoms. She looked best like this, messy, no make-up and most importantly she looked human. She was still angelically beautiful but in a different way, in a way that made me want to kiss her but at the same time made me want to talk to her all night and all day.

"Can I?" She gestured towards me and I nodded unsure of what she was about to do.

She crawled across the bed, and I straightened my legs out and the next thing I knew we were embracing each other.

She sat on my lap, wrapping her legs around my waist as she put her arms around my neck so that her hands played with the hair on the back of my head. She was smiling, lips as always slightly parted. Her face was still her face. Her sad eyes still beautiful, still a shade of brown to be desired. I could smell her breath on the back of my neck, the taste of cinnamon apples slowly brushing against my face as she moved to look at me, breathing slowly out of her mouth. For a long time we stayed like this, for a time that seemed too long we sat looking into each other’s eyes. I felt warm with her around me. I was stroking her back slowly up and down but over her clothes she probably couldn’t feel my warmth and so I moved my hands slowly under her jumper and to her thin waist as I continued to lock eyes with her and I continued stroking her back. She leant in slowly edging closer and closer to break the invisible line of friendship between our lips. She paused tilting her head as she stayed on the line, which started to play on my patience. I leaned in closer so that our lips were touching but not quite kissing, so that we were touching but not as one.

"You know what you asked me two weeks ago? About wanting to kiss you? And I said you’d have to wait for the answer? Well you can stop waiting for it now because it’s here."I smiled as she slowly spoke. "I do want to kiss you. When I saw you sat in class I wanted to kiss you. When I was last in your room I wanted to kiss you."

I hushed her at this point, wanting for us to just kiss already but knowing the wait would be worth it. Her eyes locked on my lips and she started to breathe heavily and both our heartbeats increased dramatically. We spent a moment hesitating closer to each other then pulling back just to tease the other. I smiled as we breathed the same air in perfect rhythm. Giving up with waiting for us to kiss I moved my lips closer to her and kissed her. My hands were on her back, pushing her closer to me whilst one of her hands was on the back of my head the other on my cheek. I moved my lips in synch with hers and we kissed. Her lips parted and I felt her breath in my mouth, warm and urgent. I moved my hands around her back switching from stroking her to pushing her into me, wanting so badly to merge myself with her so that this feeling wouldn’t ever leave, so that my lips never got lonely. She pulled away from me then, my bottom lip in-between her teeth and she softly bit it and then pulled back to look at me. I looked up at her, stretching my neck up as she took her jumper off. She moved her face and body back down on me so that she could kiss my neck. Her lips were so comforting to my lonely skin that I craved each moment she kissed me more and more. I wanted this feeling forever. I moved to sit up more whilst she moved her lips around my cheek bone to my mouth. I could feel her smile as she kissed me with such warmth that I began to feel inside. It was at this moment that she started reaching for the corners of my long sleeved shirt to pull it off and as soon as she did I froze.

"Aaric? What’s wrong?"Her voice was worried and I didn’t want to tell her why she couldn’t take my shirt off so I just said:

"My sister will be home soon."

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