The kissing game.

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As we walked silently up the mountain side towards my house we didn’t talk. I looked behind me to see that the view was still the same view that I saw this morning and smiled. Alice watched me in detail and slipped her hand in mine as we walked through my front lawn. I smiled as her warm hand pressed against my wet and extremely numbed hand. I kept hold of her hand as I led her upstairs to my room which I insured was clean before I left the house this morning. She let go of me then as I put my keys, bag and shoes away. She sat on the foot of my bed holding a pillow close to her chest.

"You should have a shower before you freeze to death. I’ll wait here."

Unsure of what to say I followed her instructions as I got out a clean and most importantly dry jumper out of my closet then remembered that she was soaking wet too so I picked out the smallest jumper I owned and threw it to her.

"You should probably change into this, you’re clothes are soaked. There’s a heater in the corner you can put them on there to dry as we work if you like."

She nodded and immediately started to undress; embarrassed I turned around and grabbed a pair of comfortable Nike jogging trousers which were elasticated at the bottom. She must’ve noticed I was embarrassed as she groaned and said:

"I don’t look that bad naked." She giggled at herself, "You can turn around now Aaric."

I slowly turned to see her in front of me wearing my crimson knitted jumper, socks and no trousers or shoes. I looked at her up and down.

"W-w-well um yeah that looks good… There are um more clothes in my wardrobe. Not that you have to wear more clothes if you don’t want to. W-what I meant was you might feel cold, you know? You can wear less if you like. O-oh no I meant that oh crap, I didn’t mean that like,"she interrupted me by hushing me with her finger on her lips and said:

"Don’t dig a hole for yourself. I often make people uncomfortable."

"I don’t doubt that for a second," I quickly mumbled under my breath and then headed towards my bathroom, not looking back in case she heard me.

I got into the bathroom and did my best to not panic that a. there was an attractive almost naked girl in my room and b. that she was waiting for me to have a shower. I did my best to be as quick as possible and threw all my wet clothes in my dirty laundry basket and got into a burning hot shower. I did my best to wash my hair with only water and then turned the tap off and jumped out to dry myself. I brushed my teeth whilst getting dressed and on several occasions i almost fell but today was my lucky day so I kept my balance. I combed my hair and threw on some deodorant and opened the door to see her lying on my bed. She looked up at me with a light in her bright eyes and her hair crazy and smiled, flashing her perfect teeth. I chuckled just at how innocent and simple she looked. My God it was going to be hard to control myself around her I thought repeatedly as I went over to my bed and sat with her.

"What now?" I asked her.

"Have you ever been kissed?" she asked as she watched my mouth, waiting for me to answer.

This girl is not only a beautiful that demands to me acknowledged but also a serious flirt.

"No, what’s that got to do with our philosophy assignment?" I questioned her, hoping she would get on track or ignore the fact that no, I had never been kissed. In fact I lacked all normal kinds of normal experiences for a sixteen year old boy.

"Haven’t you ever liked someone?"she retorted, completely ignoring the question.

"I-I am unsure if I have or haven’t. I mean I find people attractive but feelings are difficult."

"Do you have feelings for me?"As she continued to ask me questions her body got closer to mine and I could feel the heat of her existence through my clothes. I stood up, unable to cope with her being so close to me.

"Well… Probably, I don’t know really. I’ve only just met you."I stood across from her and she was still sat at the foot of my bed as she slowly got up and took child-like steps towards me.

"Have you thought about kissing me? I mean, I’ve thought about kissing you if it makes it easier for you to answer the question."

I stood up against the wall and I could feel myself slowly turning red under the pressure she was putting me under. Had she really thought about kissing me? Maybe she was just trying to get me to say that I liked her, who knows this girl was already walking on the tight rope of sexual insanity. She got closer and closer to me until I cracked under the pressure and finally said:

"Well yes I have thought about kissing you. Have you really thought about kissing me?"

She laughed at me and walked into me, slowly reaching up to pull me down and kiss me on the forehead.

"I guess we’ll have to finish our assignment before we find out."

She turned around and sat down at my desk. This girl was probably going to be the reason I turned mad from frustration, and I have only know her for what, less than 26 hours? I walked over to her and got my philosophy book out of my drawer and started to question her for my assignment. If Alice was serious about finishing our assignment and then telling me then hell, I would finish this assignment as fast as I possibly could.

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