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When school had ended I was still thinking about my conversation with Alice when funnily enough she came and stood next to me whilst I waited for the tram to arrive. Her head was turned as she looked me up and down smirking. Just when I was about to question her on this the tram came and we both entered as sat down, her facing me and me facing the window but secretly looking at her reflection and ignoring the scenery.

"Is your Mother of Father home after school tomorrow?" she asked in almost a whisper.

"Neither."I briefly stopped and thought of how one of those people will never come home then trying to distract myself from this thought I continued on to say "Why do you ask?"

"So I can come round?" She questioned in an excited tone.

"It seems so."

She simply nodded at me and then started to write in a little notebook with green lines and yellow paper. I wondered what she was writing and smiled at the thought that I’ve actually made a friend. Well she’s not a real friend but she’s the closest I had to one and she is defiantly the most attractive one I’ve ever had.

It was a rainy day and whilst I waited for both Alice and the tram I sat reading the perks of being a wallflower for maybe the hundredth time since I had bought it. Today I decided to make a little effort and wore a white t-shirt with a vintage sports jumper and faded black jeans. I had just gotten up to the part of the book where Charlie first meets Sam and he immediately likes her when Alice poked me in the arm. Without looking at her I put my book in my large jacket pocket and then smiled as I looked up to see her wearing a Red Hot Chilli’s Peppers shirt, incredibly tight jeans [which she fit perfectly whilst complementing her slight hips] and a thin rain coat that reached just under her knees. Her hair was dripping wet and because of this it was about 4 inches shorter than yesterday and slowly turning wavy.

"Stop looking at my hair, I look like a wet rat." She grimaced as she moved her hair out of her face and looked at me with those perfect brown eyes.

"You look beautiful."

She stared in disbelief at me a long while after I said it and locked eyes with me until it got to the point that my hands started to sweat and the tram arrived. Unlike yesterday we sat side by side and I could feel her shiver through all my layers. My father has always taught me that woman come first and so you immediately take of your jacket and hand it to her if she is even slightly colder than you; you act like a gentleman even to strangers. And so with this life lesson drilled into my mind I started to take off my coat so as to hand it to her.

"What are you doing, you’ll freeze to death!" She questioned looking at me as if I had just shot a man.

"You’re shivering and I’m not. You’ll catch the flu if you don’t warm up soon."

I handed her the jacket and she took it from me and wore it. It was maybe four sizes too big for her but somehow it looked just right.

"Thank you Aaric,"she said smiling and leaned into me so as to place her head on my shoulder. I adjusted myself so that she didn’t have to tilt her head upwards too much and she laughed angelically to herself at my gesture. I gazed out of the window to see where we were and surprised to see we had only just reached the pharmacy maybe five blocks down from the school. We had roughly 10 more minutes on the tram by my quick calculations. It felt like I had been sat with her for hours. It felt strangely uplifting to feel another human’s breath against my skin. I inhaled deeply as I soaked up the feeling of satisfaction.

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