The brown eyed goddess

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Today I had my fifth class of philosophy and it was… well maybe if I recreated what happened you’d be able to know for yourself.

"For your projects I have done the great favour of giving you the easiest and probably the most socially benefitting assignment of all: Your job is to pair up with someone in this room, someone you’ve never talked to and write me a 500 page essay on what they think the point of life is."

This was handed out to each and every student on a piece of blue paper today in class. Immediately after we got the information everyone started groaning then making their way towards someone in the room that looked easy to write about, which meant everyone except me. You see I had two major problems with this assignment, the first being that there is no point in life and the second being that no one in the history of humanity would pick me in class over anyone else. So as everyone started to move around the room shuffling and dragging their feet at the thought of awkwardly making conversation with people, I sat silently at my desk focussing on my hands so as to not make eye contact with anyone. And there I am the most socially unexciting teen in the room when I notice the light being blocked in front of me and a girl standing in front of me smiling.

Her cheeks were flushed a peachy colour as she sat down in front of me. I was instantly stunned by her beauty as she fidgeted around her bag to find her book. I took in her slightly parted small mouth, a small bump on her nose and her face, the face you see on adverts and in Vogue. She had big brown eyes with long but not as thick lashes that contrasted with her skin tone but somehow looked exactly right. She pulled out her book and with one of her hands pushed her blackish brown hair out of her face and moved it behind her ear. Her hair was layered and reached just under her shoulder, just abovebreasts [not that I was looking at them]. She looked like the pictures I’d seen of Nicole Kidman except for her eyes. I lost myself in her face for about one minute until she finally looked at me and said:

"My name is Alice. I don’t really know anyone here and I am assuming you don’t either. I thought you looked interesting sat by yourself. You looked peacefully sad. There’s an ironic beauty in that right? Well maybe that’s just me being crazy. Ah damn I’m talking too much about myself. What’s your name?"

My ears rang with her melodic voice still echoing in my head even after she had finished talking. She has a soft accent which had a strong undertone of an English accent.

"I don’t have enough information on your brain to think you’re crazy but I disagree on the beauty in ‘peacefully sad’. No one is peaceful when sad, they’re simple silent. You shouldn’t mistake silence for peace. I am neither sad nor happy, I simply am. My name is Aaric, nice to meet you Alice."

My voice sounded raspy although I’d barely said a word all day. When I finished talking she simply tilted her head at me as she half smiled a smile that took on the same shape as the crescent moon in the evening sky. Everything else seemed dark in the room except that moon smile. Let me just make one thing clear about her: She was indescribably and unexceptionally out of my league. In fact I wasn’t even a member of the same species she was a unicorn and I was an ant compared to her.

"You’re fascinating and pessimistic; I think you’ll be very bad for me."

Not only was she the epitome of beauty but she was also a flirt.

"On the contrary Nara, I think I’ll be considerably good for you."

Okay so maybe I was a flirt too, but what’s a boy to do?

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