S1 E17: Is this Hell?

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Subaru: So lemme get this "straight"...you decided to abandon me after the fight we encountered with Elsa and--- THEN run off to go train with Reinhard---

-Expresses his proposition on my unexpected departure-

Jiro: (Quietly) Yeah---

Subaru: What?! I could't grasp the retort...say that again <moving his ear closer to me>

Jiro: (Nervous) Errr----Yes.

Subaru: Ok, I see how it is...<remains silent>

-Turning his back towards me in betrayal-

Jiro: I'm sorry...Subaru. I----failed you...this was never meant to happen this way...but---

-Silencing himself before he said anything rash-

Subaru: BUT WHAT? JIRO! Why do you always gotta leave something important out? Like---me...

Jiro: What makes you think I left you behind on purpose?! As if you were ever a serious nuisance to me...because if you truly find it in your heart to lack forgiveness...then I should go <standing up from the bedside>

-My best friend clearly didn't seem to care as I was heading out the door...remaining quiet. I took one more step and before I reached for the door handle...<SLAP>- 

Subaru: Please....Don't....Go....Jiro.

Jiro: I thought you hate my guts....

Subaru: Well, people change <smiling at me> and I'm not one to hold such a huge grudge...especially towards a friend. <pulls me into a warm hug>

Jiro: (cries) I missed you, Subaru. Dearly...

Subaru: Hehe, that's quite surprising...coming from a "quiet kid"...

Jiro: Shush...<smirking>

-Releasing from each other's grasp, he pulls an arm over me and explains what recently happened-

Subaru: You got a lot of catching up to do..."Old Friend".

Jiro: For you as well, Nat...why don't we have a drink, huh?

Subaru: I hope you don't mean alcohol....<smack>

Jiro: (Shakes his head) Baka! Of course not, we're underaged after all! Can't go risking our health at such a prime age...

Subaru: Fine....but damn....last time I remember....your "meat swing" didn't hit so hard.

Jiro: Meat swing! Ewwww....

-Realizing what he just said, Subaru's face becomes red as beetroot and waves his hands-

Subaru: (Embarrassed) I TAKE IT BACK, I MEANT---UMM---UMM.

-Chuckling at his goofiness, I grab his hand and brought him outside into the hallway-

Jiro: I do miss these moments we have, don't you agree?

Subaru: Sure. But. Could. You. Let. Go. Of. My. Hand. First.

-While he told me to let go, I began to squeeze it tightly before releasing it-

Subaru: OUCH! What did you do that for?

Jiro: I heard from a scientific theory that crushing the hand of someone who hardly works makes their soft hand denser...hehe

Subaru: Very funny....NOT...such a lame joke...never say anything like that again.

Jiro: (Eyes rolled) Whatever...can we go? I'm starving...

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