"The Practice" Chapter Twenty Five

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As if my morning couldn't have gotten any worse, the one person I didn't want to see was seated in front of my chair in the dining room.
Earlier this morning I had to deal with more morning sickness, now there's a new cause to my nausea and it was sitting in the in front of me.

What the hell was Overhual doing here?! He's has never come to the dining room before. When ever he did something out of the ordinary there was always trouble fallowing behind.

I started to think maybe I could make a run for it back to my room, but with Chronostasis propped behind me blocking the exit. I didn't see my fighting chance.

I gave him pleading eyes with my hands grasp together. He stayed unphased. Seems that my begging didn't work either.

With a heavy sigh I slowly made my way to my chair at the table, refusing to make eye contact with Overhual's gaze.

"Good morning Y/N. I hope you slept well."
Overhual greeted in his usual nonchalant tone.

I only gave a slight nod and sat down. I just smiled sweetly at the crimson eyed darling, Eri who was seated at my side. Taking advantage at how close she was to me, I rubbed a hand over her shoulder. "Good morning Eri. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

She didn't exactly respond back with a smile or a good morning. Not even a nod. Probably because the person she was scared of most was sitting in the same room.

Picking up my chopsticks, I started to dig into my bowl of rice, tensely waiting for Overhual to announce the reason for his presence.

"Your schedule going to be a bit different today Y/N. First there are some new activities I'd like to introduce you to. This will include a little tour around the building. You get to stretch your legs for a bit. Plus I thought I'd give you a little gift."

The words 'tour around the building' peeked my interest. Now I was more attentive in what he had to say. I get to actually walk around? With permission? What activities will we be doing? Hopefully it's better then just waiting around In the common room for most of the day.

Although, this could mean anything good or bad. Who knows what this psychopath has planned. For all I know I was slowly beginning to become a nervous wreck as my mind wondered to the worst possibilities.

But your pregnant Y/N. He can't do anything that will hurt you. Calm down.

I took the words of my conscience and slowly let out a steady breath, continuing to eat my breakfast.


Overhaul lead me down a darkish hallway with chronostasis fallowing behind. I hope he doesn't intend on leaving me in another basement because if that's his ordeal, I won't hesitate to tell Mr. Chisaki when I get the chance.

The walked seemed endless and awkward since it was just the three of use, so I just focused on looking for windows to the outside for escaping purposes.

I slowed down to walk in the same pace as Chronostasis. "Hey, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"A good one, or a bad one?"

"It's a surprise."

"Figured." I sighed and continued walking ahead of him.

We finally stopped at a door at the end of a hallway. Chronostasis opened it so we could enter. Once inside, my first take was that it was just a room completely full of books.

This room was simulare to the common room but a bit smaller and it was limited in size due to so many shelves stocked head to toe with books.

"What's this place?"

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