"The Confession" Chapter Twenty Three

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4 years ago...

"I'm heading out!" I announced to my parents as I put on my shoes, grabbed my school bag and stepped outside. The light of a rising sun shown beautifully behind the clouds, blooming a pinkish color across the sky.

It must mean today is gonna be a good day.

I looked down the stairwell to see Kai standing near the last floor apartment complex, waiting for me.

"Morning Kai- chan. Your not hungry?" I asked closing the door and walking downstairs to him. Usually he'd come in my apartment for breakfast but I guess he was behind time.

Kai shook his head.
"I showed up late. It's fine, I'll wait till lunch to eat."

"Tch. You need to measure your time better. Setting your alarm to an earlier hour might help. Also, you need breakfast. It's the most important meal to start off your day! We'll stop to find a vending machine and I'll buy you- is there something on my shirt?" I asked.

As I talked, I couldn't help but notice Kai's constant staring towards my chest. Maybe I ate my breakfast to sloppily and there was a stain.

"Wha? Oh- no! No uhh... it's nothing. Don't worry about it." He sputtered, looking away.What's up with him? I looked down to my blouse seeing it was actually stainlessly clean.

I decided to just shrug it off.

Kai wasn't much of a talker. At a young age, when we where just getting to know each other he was so quiet, I thought he didn't have a tongue. I soon began to think my talkative manner was annoying him so I started to stay quiet too. Turns out, he actually likes when I rant. He secretly enjoyed hearing me blabber about my day, so I'd gladly talk my jaw off.

Luckily, as we grew closer we would have actual conversations.

Easily adapting to one another's personalities was what I loved about our friendship.

After getting Kai a honey bun, we entered schools grounds. I waved at him before departing to our separate classes.

At 12:00 that afternoon ...

Finally on to lunchtime. Today was Wednesday which meant I didn't get to eat lunch with Kai. He had chemistry class all the way on the other side of school so we decided to eat separately on this day.

I used to feel sad at times like this, but soon grew used the routine. I would just listen to music, watch YouTube or chat with another peer.

Sitting at my desk I began taking out my lunch box, when I heard someone call my name.

"Y/N! Your eating here today, huh?" Said RuKia, a friend of mine I met while working together on a science project.

I don't usually eat lunch in class, so i guess it surprised her to see me here.

RuKia's ash blond hair, that cut short to her ears, complemented her hazel green eyes. Even in our schools burgundy red uniforms she still looked magazine photo shoot ready. She was the type that boys, even upper class man guys chased after.

Weirdly enough I've never seen her actually date them. I guess she's independent, which makes her even more attractive.

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