"The Set Up" Chapter Twenty Nine

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Being pregnant is so exhausting that walking has become a work out. Or is it just me. I always end up so tired before dinner but thankfully after that, it's off to bed.

I lazily put on my pajamas, brushed my teeth and slide into bed. Tonight I will not struggle to find sleep. Maybe I'll have a good dream. Yeah. I'll dream about being free from this place, before I ever encountered Overhual.

Or instead, I'll dream about Kai. Not Overhual, but Kai, the sweet boy that was always there for me through thick and thin. The only person who mattered to me then. My childhood. My secret crush.

But in reality he's my kidnapper, my manipulator, the father to my child. Such a nightmare of a reality. That's exactly why I'm so grateful to have dreams. So I can escape the truth. The only downside to dreams is that when I wake up, back to reality.

That's what hurts the most.

I sigh at my late night thoughts and drag myself into bed.

Sometimes I'm hesitant about falling out of Consciousness. Anything could happen here while in my sleep. Especially since I'm inspecting, I have to be on guard even more now then ever.

I instinctively cover a hand over my belly before relaxing and closing my eyes, letting sleep take me for the night.


*3ed person point of view.

Makine was a rather tall guy with spiky crimson hair and charcoal eyes that have seen a lot of fucked up shit. His arms and legs where covered in tattoos and scars lined most parts of his tan body that showed years of his physical and dangerous work. 50 plus years. Yes, he was a rather old to be into young girls, like Merai.

When he was given details about his target he didn't in the slightest expect Merai to want him to take out a pregnant woman. A quirk-less pregnant woman at that. For a moment he assumed Merai had lost her damn mind.

"So let me get this straight," he mumbled, taking time to blow on his cigarette. "your telling me, you want me to assassinate some quirkless pregnant broad and you won't even tell me why?"

"Hmm," Merai thinks a bit. "yep that pretty much sums it up." Both stood outside of the house at the back entrance, waiting for guards to pass by so she could sneak him in without anyone catching them. "Once I get you inside you'll go on your own to find her room then take it from there. I trust that your at least smart enough not to get caught."

He threw away his cigarette bud and stepped out the flames. "Don't worry about me. I'll sneak in myself. I've done this type of shit plenty of times before." Makine has killed women and men before. Big macho guys, old tycoons, But never has his target been a helpless woman without a quirk.

Makine didn't care that his target was a pregnant female. For a hefty wad of cash, he'd unhesitantly kill anyone, but he just thought Merai's reasoning behind it was petty and childish.

The fact that his target was pregnant made him want to back out of Merai's offer more but he knows if he disagreed, she'd probably just look for someone else to do it. Minus well make some money off this he thought.

Merai and Makine loomed by, waiting for the guards to go on to the next area.
Once they saw no one in sight that's when Makine made his move, leaving Merai where she stood to begin his task.

The red head assassin took a quick look around before deciding it was safe to move in. Once he was inside the garden wall, he used his given key to enter. All he had to do now was sneak down some hallways, rig the bedroom lock then take care of his target. Quick and easy Makine thought.

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