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seokjin held onto namjoon's arm as they walked back to the car. he was full and happy. the happiest he's been in a long time. he could swear the next day his cheeks would be sore from smiling so much. the same could be said for namjoon.

the date was coming to a close, neither of them wanted to end but all good things must end one day. they laughed and joked the whole car ride home. it was like they were both on cloud nine. the small touches, light laughs, stupid jokes, just kept them wanting more.

but at the moment, it had to end, they were right in front of seokjin's apartment complex. seokjin looked at it with disgust, why couldn't the ride be longer? namjoon too didn't want it to end. he had his hand wrapped in seokjin's, silently telling him to stay just a little while longer.

"maybe next time i'll get you to tell me about those tattoos." seokjin says looking at each tattoo that covered his arms. namjoon smirked while looking at him.

"maybe, but when will this next time happen?" namjoon said slyly while leaning into the man. seokjin blushes from the close proximity and bites his bottom lip.

"how about tuesday night, my place. i can teach you how to cook." he says leaning in closer to the younger as well. they were so close, you could swear they were about to kiss. their eyes flashing from each other's lips. like a magnet was pulling them closer and closer but yet, they never kissed. just sat in each other's faces wanting to do so, yet, both too shy to initiate anything.

"so like a date?" namjoon said, his eyes staring at the older's plump lips. his eyebrow was up in a questioning manner. seokjin nodded moving closer in while namjoon smiled.

then it happened, they kissed. the feeling of fireworks being felt through out their body was electrifying. they didn't want to stop but oxygen was a must. they pulled away from each other, a light blush coating both of their cheeks.

their hands were still tangled in each other's when namjoon's phone went off. he wanted to ignore it but couldn't when most messages he got were very important. he used his free hand and fished his phone out of his pocket.

his smile immediately dropped reading the message. 'product was stolen. 2 of my men were killed in the process. you need to get here right now~ j.w.' namjoon cursed under his breath earning the attention of seokjin.

"hey, i have to go, something for work came up and it's really important." namjoon says, he squeezes the older's hand as a flash of sadness washes over them. seokjin nods while looking down, the date was over anyway but could you blame him for wanting to spend more time.

"i understand, tonight was fun. i'll see you on tuesday night?" seokjin asks looking up at him with hopeful eyes. namjoon smiles again while nodding.

"tuesday night." he says in a low tone. seokjin smiles while opening the door, ignoring the goosebumps that filled his skin, hearing the tone of the man's voice. he waves as he steps out of the car.

namjoon didn't leave until he saw seokjin reach his door, wanting to make sure he got in safely. the second seokjin got in he squealed while jumping around. he hurriedly took off his shoes before running to his room to call hoseok.

he sat in his bed still wearing his clothes and face-time's hoseok. the phone rang 3 times before the familiar heart shaped smile popped up. seokjin couldn't stop smiling, he felt so happy, if the next date goes well, he might have a boyfriend.

"seokie, ok, i told you about my date, well i just got back from it and it was the most awesome thing i've ever experienced." seokjin says, he was practically screaming into the phone. the rest of the night went like that. seokjin telling hoseok about his date and hoseok joking around about it.

hoseok might have been very happy for his friend but in the back of his mind only one thing kept playing. 'babe i have to go, bang pd called and something really bad happened at work.' what possibly could have happened at the studio that he had to leave this late at night for?

he really wanted to rant to seokjin but he didn't want to remove that glow he has at the moment. it was a glow he hadn't seen in a very long time and he would hate to have it leave just because he needed to let his feelings out to someone.

so he hid them, very well actually, that was a first, or maybe because seokjin was too high off serotonin to notice. usually he could pick these things out. he had very great observation skills and could automatically tell if someone was sad or lying to him. but today, he was too blinded by his own happiness to see his bestfriend was really not so happy within himself.

seokjin ended up getting in the shower while still on face-time. that's when he finally let his brain come back down from its heaven. when he got out that's when he started to notice things. he started to see the small flashes of either worry, pain, and sadness flash in his eyes.

but when he finally thought to bring it up they both fell asleep. still on face-time, the only thing being heard for hours were their breathing and shuffling in the bed. and one min yoongi coming in around four in the morning with dried blood still on his hands.

yoongi, to say the least, was happy that hoseok had fell asleep. he didn't expect it to get this messy so he was happy that he didn't have his boyfriend to question who's blood it was on his clothes. he quickly, but quietly, jumped in the shower, got rid of the clothes and got into bed.

he pulled the sleeping boy into his chest and fell asleep peacefully, seokjin still on the call, sleeping harder than a rock...

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