☁️Lee Know - Playing Dress-Up with His Cats

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These past few weeks have been much too stale for you. After going out with Minho to everywhere he could think of taking you, you were both were out of ideas. And so here you were, languidly sprawled across one of the couches in Minho's living room, staring blanking at the ceiling while he was refilling the cat bowls.

Just when you thought you might as well watch paint dry, the doorbell chimed, immediately making you perch up from the edge of the sofa. You heard Minho's footsteps leaving the kitchen to answer the door, only reanimated upon seeing him stop in front of you and drop a sizeable cardboard box with a thud on the floor.

"(Y/N)," he started, crossing his arms. "What is this?"

You leapt off the couch when you saw the label of the package in your name, eyes suddenly wide with excitement. "Ahh! It's the outfits I ordered online!" you began to tear open the box.

Minho raised his eyebrow then crouched down to stare at you in confusion. "Outfits? Don't you already have enough?"

You rummaged through the contents of the box and held one up so Minho could see the sparkly pink item through the clear packaging. "Not for me, silly, for the cats!"

As if on cue, Dori appeared behind you, rubbing herself against your lap. "Dori, come here, girl." You directed her to sit in front of you while you drew the item out of its casing.

Minho watched you fit the frilly pink collar around Dori's neck and a similarly styled crown that you adjusted on her head. His lips loosened into a smile as he realized what you had prepared.

Delighted at your successful fitting, you turned your model around so he could see the full picture. "Ta-da! I present to you, Princess Dori of Minho and (Y/N)'s Cat Kingdom!"

 "Ta-da! I present to you, Princess Dori of Minho and (Y/N)'s Cat Kingdom!"

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Dori sat there examining her new look in the mirror across the room.

"Cat Kingdom? You couldn't think of a better name?" Minho scoffed but his smile only grew wider. He stroked his new princess's fur, stopping her when she tried to paw at the collar. "Cute though..." he awed.

You huffed, continuing to empty out the rest of the outfits you had meticulously selected for the others, just as Soonie leapt inside the now empty box and settled in. "Well I don't see you coming up with a better idea so instead help- OOH where's Doongie?"

The costume you were holding you thought was perfect for your next target. You spotted him by the food bowl, licking his paws unsuspecting of you had planned for him. Before he knew it, you swept him off the wooden floor and onto your lap.

While Minho was having a photoshoot of Dori's royal makeover, you had transformed Doongie into a perfectly ripe yellow banana, complete with the peels flapping by his sides.

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