☁️Lee Felix - Raining Ducklings

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"Felix, hurry up!" you yelled into the incessant pitter-patter of raindrops. If only you guys hadn't left the gaming cafe so late you wouldn't be out here now, stranded on the slick, wet sidewalk, trying to flag a taxi down. And you did, except Felix was nowhere to be found.

You groaned, stomping your foot, only to regret doing so when you realized a puddle had accumulated near your feet.

"(Y/N)! Over here!" you could just barely make out his faint cry through the drizzle. It seemed to have come from the last corner of the sidewalk.

You flashed an apologetic smile to the taxi driver, before sprinting off in that direction, trying not to cringe at the splashes your heavy footsteps left in their wake. Next thing you knew, you halted upon seeing Felix's crouched figure under a dripping tree.

But before you could question him, he put a finger to his lips, motioning for you to approach slowly. Step-by-step, you made your way to where he was and lowered down to his position. "What is it-"

"Shh!" he pointed to the front, at a pond, your eyes followed, but not just the pond. One-by-one little feathery yellow heads popped up from a huddle in the centre. Curious eyes peaked at you from under their drenched wings, inviting you to stare back. Your inquisitive gaze was only broken by a sudden chorus of squeaks, splattering muddy water everywhere.

You tripped backwards with a yelp that was interrupted by another "SHH" from Felix. "Don't startle them," he whispered.

"Startle them? They startled me!" You whispered back exasperatedly.

"No wait, watch." You warily eyed him as he stood up and crept closer to the balls of mischief. If you had to bet, you probably would've thought they'd flock together and peck the living hell out of him, but they didn't.

Instead, Felix stood just by the pond's edge, chirping gently. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw the half-dozen of them lining up behind him like loyal, little soldiers. As he paraded around the area of the small clearing, the ducklings followed in an obedient line, bumping into each other occasionally.

"They think I'm their mother," Felix exclaimed, pure sunshine happiness radiating from his smile. And you couldn't help but grin back, so much so your cheeks started to hurt - probably from the cold air too.

But alas, you were summoned back to the reality of your situation in the form of a very concerned phone call from Chan. Your smile faltered for a moment at having to remind Felix where you were and what you were doing beforehand, but he understood.

"I just don't wanna leave them here, you know? They look hungry and I couldn't find their mother," he pouted, petting one of the duckling's tiny head with a finger.

"Oh! Actually..." you fished something out of your coat pocket. "I have some bread leftover from the cafe." You tore a bit off and tossed it in their direction. Immediately, they flocked towards the piece of bread and stared back at you expectantly. "Oh... here you go, little ones."

Felix chuckled at how you got flustered trying to feed them all equally. He grabbed half of the bread and began feeding them to some himself. "Looks like you're their mother for now, huh, (Y/N)?"

You clapped your hands together to get the crumbs off. Then you turned to him, smile still prominent on your lips as joy dawned in your eyes. "I guess I am," you said with a giggle.

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