☁️Hwang Hyunjin - Love Someone

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*Inspired by Love Someone by Lukas Graham*

⊱ ──────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ──────── ⊰

There you were. The sunset casting gorgeous golden-purple streaks across the beach where you sat by the pier, overlooking the rolling waves and the seagulls cawing overhead. The taste of sea spray. The breeze teasing the ends of your hair. The creaking wooden planks you were seated upon.

And right beside you was Hyunjin, looking absolutely ethereal from the way the light cast shadows across his flawless features. His gaze was set on the distance that stretched ahead in the horizon, but his hand was firmly gripped in yours.

It was an ideal moment. A surreal moment. You and he captured in the picturesque backdrop surrounding you. All still and silent except for the waves crashing under the pier, licking your toes- wait, what?

Why does it feel rough?

That's when you recognized the all too familiar whimper of a certain chihuahua by your feet which were exposed from under the blanket, and you groaned.

"Ahh, Kkami!" you mumbled, curling up in the blanket, eyes still shut.

The said dog only came up beside your face and began to lick your cheek. You groaned once more, shifting to cover your face with your blanket but then felt a bump on the mattress.

With heavy eyelids struggling to open, you felt around the mattress with your hand until you came across your phone, earphones still plugged into it. One of the buds was trapped under Hyunjin's back, so you very carefully tried to pull the wire and tug it out from under him without waking him up.

He mumbled something out under his breath and flopped in your direction so his face was illuminated by the bright light shining through the window behind your back.

Your brows knitted as you were hit by a sudden realization that made you fumble to check your phone. You sighed in relief when you checked the date.

An hour past noon on a Saturday. Thank God.

You glanced at the notifications panel on your lock screen where you found the sleep playlist Hyunjin had put together for you, warm bliss bubbling in your chest as you recollected the night before.

You were straddled in Hyunjin's lap, staring through your apartment window down at the streets below, his fingers stroking your hair soothingly, slowly lulling you to sleep. The soft music of his sleep playlist playing in the earbuds you'd shared.

He'd come home from practice late that night and found you still awake by the windowsill. The whole night, he gave you space to let it out, to vent, while he listened. He listened and let you sit there basking in his warmth to your heart's content.

You unlocked your phone, eyes landing on your wallpaper. It was a selfie he had to sneak up on you to take during your early stages of dating. And although you could argue that you didn't exactly look the most photogenic (even though he always is), he insisted you looked perfect nonetheless and even set it as your wallpaper "so you don't have to." You guess... you never bothered to change it since then.

When you glanced up again, you found that Hyunjin's face had shifted even closer to yours so that they were only inches apart. Heat slowly crept to your cheeks but the sensation was subsided when you laid your eyes on him.

Eyes fully awake now, a smile etched its way onto your face as you took your time admiring every feature on his asleep face. His tousled bedhead. His plump lips slightly parted as he breathed, in and out. Not even the dried drool running down his chin could detract him from looking every bit as radiant as he was in your dream.

You let out a contented sigh, and you stopped to recount just how many ways he's special to you, how he makes you feel so special. How this meagre moment in time accounted for all of that. And you realized, just how fortunate you are, to share this moment in time with him.

And it only took you a moment of you staring at him so deeply, as you were lost in thought, to realize that his eyes were looking straight back at you.

A smirk was displayed on his lips as he propped his head up on his hand, a gleeful sparkle in his eyes. "Sleep well, (Y/N)?" He murmured, still a little drowsy.

You gazed up at him innocently. "Mhm."

"Was I in it?"


He blinked a few times at your directness, his smirk turning into a bright smile. Oh, the one that enraptured you from the very beginning. The one you happily returned every time. This time, you scrunched your nose and made a kissy face at him.

To your surprise, he actually went in for a swift but sweet kiss before jumping out of bed. You yelped and hid your face under the covers, despite your heart simply beaming with joy. "Ack! Babe, your morning breath," you grumbled.

When you didn't receive a response, you peeked out of the top of the blanket only to find Hyunjin leaning down from the side of the bed, tilting his head curiously. "You still love me though, right?"

You threw your arms around his neck, probably nearly choking him, chuckling in his ear. "Of course, I do."

You stayed like that for a while before you pried yourself off of him when Kkami reminded you two he was there and hungry.

"Hey," you called just as Hyunjin was leaving the room, "can we go to the beach today?"

He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "If that's what my princess wants, then sure."

You flopped back down to your bed, fully aware of the stupidly wide grin on your face, but you weren't planning to wipe it off any time soon.

He was yours. You were his. And that's all you needed to know.

A loud series of barks suddenly brought you back down to earth. You jolted out of bed.

Alright, maybe you'd have to share him with a certain pampered pooch.

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