☁️Yang Jeongin - Too Soon

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The aggravating blare of your alarm jolted you awake. As you felt around to find and shut it off, it dawned on you the setting which you were in. On the couch, in Jeongin's living room, in his arms.


Soft, warm breaths hitting the back of your neck prompted you turn towards the source, putting you mere centimeters away from Jeongin's face. Soon the alarm became background noise to the all infatuated thoughts blossoming in your head.

His delicate features glistened in the early light of dawn. Cheeks, nose and lips all waiting for the sweetest kisses to be graced with. So how could you resist taking the time to grant them their wish, slow and light as if afraid of waking him, because, gosh was he a sight even unconscious. The stress and worry that usually tainted his otherwise flawless face were absent.

And it landed on you like a boulder when you remembered you had to leave, for today was your last day of semester break. Too soon. Like the weeks you spent with him dissipated faster than melting snow.

With begrudging hesitation, you tried to wriggle out of his hold around your waist and it wrenched your heart even more when his grip tighted.

"(Y/N)..." he mumbled, nestling his cold cheek into the crook of your neck.

"Innie.." You turned around to rub circles on his back, wishing with everything that time would freeze and allow you to stay longer, but you knew of reality's inconvenient reminder. "My train leaves in 30 minutes."

He frowned in his sleep, and you swore nothing could devastate you more. But you finally steeled yourself enough to slip off the couch, crashing onto the wooden floors. Somehow that wasn't loud enough to wake him, and yet you forced yourself not to glance back as you collected your belongings and exit the flat for you knew even one more look at his slumbering state would have been enough to surrender you into staying.


The next afternoon, Jeongin was found sprawled across the couch when Jisung came in to bring him to practice.

"Bro, where are you, practice is about to start-" he stopped at the foot of the couch upon seeing Jeongin still out cold, struggling to pull the ends of his sweater sleeves over to cover his probably freezing hands. One of which was fervently clutching onto a phone. Your phone.

Jisung's mouth formed the shape of an "o" as he realized the context, why a grimace plagued Jeongin's face in his sleep. "Did (Y/N) leave her phone here this morning? Aww look at you, Jeonginnie. You miss her already don't you?"

The idea of capturing the scene in a recording seemed like a good idea then, so he whipped out his phone. He held it up in front of him and moved closer to Jeongin.

" (Y/N)~ see how much he misses you. Our poor fox isn't sleeping very well." He cooed, earning a groan from Jeongin. "Hope to see you again soon."

Upon ending the recording, his immediate reaction was to send it to you. Only when he heard your phone buzz with a notification did he realize that wasn't the smartest idea, and ended up chuckling lightly to himself, because he knew what that meant for his disgruntled friend.

"Oh well, I guess you're gonna see her soon after all."


A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I've been trying to spend more time ensuring the quality of my writing so I'm proofreading and editing them better. In the meantime I've been posting drabbles on my Instagram stories so you can check those out if you ever feel the need to read something.

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