☁️Han Jisung - Birthday Treat

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Cakes and pastries were your pride and joy. The reason you decided to open your very own cafe, where you wished to share these gifts to your local community, however small it may be. You were quite anxious upon the first opening; every possibility of failure weighed down on your mind.

What if you didn't make any sales? What if no one liked what you made? What if all your hard work wasn't enough to please customers?

But as fate would have it, or perhaps rather routine, your form of hope came from a peculiar sort of person. Your very first regular. A curious man whose name remained unknown to you, but whose usual order you memorized to be ice americano and raspberry cheesecake. Except on the days you'd release new cheesecake recipes, that would be his go-to order on weekday mornings.

It was kind of strange the way he stumbled through your doors the first day he visited, but you were thankful for it. He seemed to have been lost but decided to try out your selection anyway. And gosh, you could never forget the way his face lit up when he took his first bite. The exact reaction you pour your heart into striving for.

Immediately after, he stared at you in awe with stuffed cheeks, practically devouring the slice of cheesecake in seconds. He ordered a second cake to go later actually, and since then, he'd come by regularly, eyes lighting up the same way every time.

As you continued working, you'd sometimes glance at him just to make sure he's a satisfied customer but would notice that, more often than not, he'd also be looking at you. It wasn't much of a bother though. Whenever he caught on, he'd quickly face the other way and proceed to munch.

You thought he was quite adorable, really. How flustered he'd get when you catch him staring at you at the counter. Sometimes hearing him mumble "so pretty" under his breath, but you'd typically think he was talking about your cakes. He never hesitated to return your smiles.

As the days went by, you found yourself looking forward to his next visits. That you always made sure to put extra care into the cheesecakes because you definitely look forward to seeing his smile again.

One morning, he showed up with a few friends sitting at his usual place by the window, chatting lively about who knows what since you were busy preparing their orders. However, you did catch wind of a certain date: his birthday, September 14th. And you couldn't help yourself but plan.


September 14th was a Monday, the first day of the week, so business should be spiking within the next hour. You tied on your apron after having wiped down the display cases for the cakes.

Morning sunlight filtered through the wide-framed glass of the cafe front, where drops of dew glistened from the light rain the night before. As small a detail as it might be, you cherished the refreshing scent of post-rain mornings, like an energizer to get you through the coming week. But this time you were invigorated enough already, bouncing on the balls of your feet, staring expectantly at each customer that walked through the doors.

Beside you on the counter was a closed cake box and a cup of iced americano, waiting to be handed over to a certain birthday boy.

Sure enough, he walked in just as you began worrying about the ice watering down the coffee. You jolted up with a start, adjusting your apron.

"Good morning," he greeted with his usual subtly bright smile, eyes particularly holding more gleam.

You mirrored his expression, tapping your fingers rhythmically against the counter.

"Can I get a-"

Before he could continue, you slid the box over to the cash register, holding it right in front of his startled face. "Happy birthday," you beamed despite the anxiety creeping up as to whether he would accept your offer.

"Huh?" His eyes flickering from the box to you repeatedly, mouth hanging open slightly as he pointed to himself. "For me?"

"Yes, happy birthday." You placed it in his hands before coming back with the iced americano and handing that over as well. "That's Japanese cheesecake." You gestured to it. "It's a bit of a recipe in progress so I haven't added it to the menu yet. I hope you'll still enjoy it though."

With delicate fingers, he lifted the lid of the box to find the soft, jiggly cheesecake stamped with your cafe logo on top. "Whoa, I've never had Japanese cheesecake before- wait, why are you giving this to me?"

You shrugged your shoulders, smile still prominent. "As thanks I guess."

It was there now. His smile, brighter than you've ever seen it, albeit still looking rather puzzled. But it shone brighter than the sun rays standing before him.

"Wait, I have to pay for this don't I?" He reached for his back pocket but was interrupted by your grabbing his wrist.

"N-no don't." Heat rushed to his cheeks and you could tell your expression was no different when you retracted your hand again in realization. You coughed into it lightly, tucking behind a loose strand of hair. "It's my treat."

Oh, the way he lit up, hesitating only because of the confusion. "How'd you know it was my birthday though?"

You coughed again, muttering, "I may or not have overheard the other day."

Carrying the box and iced coffee in one arm, he extended the other in front of you. "Well, thank you, Miss.." he squinted to read your name tag, "(Y/N). I'm Jisung."

Right... you didn't even know his name yet. He shook your hand firmly yet full of warmth, which momentarily made you worry if it was because your palm was sweaty.

He took a sip of the iced americano, smile turning cheeky. "Actually, I was going to order a latte today..."

"Yah! I-"

"But, I still like it."

Just when you thought you might slap his stupidly wide grin off his face, a ringing broke the few seconds of silence.

Jisung whipped out his phone, holding it to his ear with his shoulder. "Oh, yeah, I'm on my way. I just stopped by for some coffee..." He swept you a sly side glance, a smirk playing at his lips. "Also, tell Felix I got an extra cheesecake! Okay, see you, hyung."

"Just so you know, I'm not gonna be sharing any of this. So you can be sure I'll enjoy it to the fullest." He winked, shifting his feet towards the door. "Thanks for the cake!"

And without giving you a chance to respond, he sprinted out the door, taking another sip of coffee, before halting just as he made it outside.

On the side of his plastic coffee cup, his eyes caught a series of numbers, widening at it. His head swivelled back to look at you through the glass windows.

You made a calling gesture with your hand and brought it up to your ear, mouthing the words "Call me."

With that, he shot you another goofy smile as he continued on his way to revel in the rest of his birthday.


Happy birthday to the cutest, most multi-talented squirrel to ever exist!

When I say I've never seen a more talented person (including the rest of skz) I mean it with my whole heart. He writes, he raps, he sings, he dances, he produces, he has the best sense of humor and a heart to match. Sometimes I seriously forget he was only 19 while possessing all of this talent 🤧

On a more sentimental note, I really am grateful to him for creating such soothing songs to help ease our worries. They're the ones I listen to when I just need to breathe for a little while. Everything from the lyrics to the melodies speaks volume that absolutely transends the language barrier and I could never properly express my gratitude to him in person, but I hope he knows just how much he and his music means.

I wish him all the cheesecake and happiness in the world. And I hope he realizes how special he is to me and so many other people. Stay loves you, Hannie, always ❤️

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