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*A Little Summary*

. A boy

. A forest

. A road

. A hooded figure

Green is all that the world was, green as if walking through a timber forest in the rain. All the critters of the world making various harmonies as if they were a part of an ensemble, a kaleidoscope of lights passing through the lush canopy; barely reaching the soil and water drops, all of the water drops atop the leaves and trees and animals, forming the most exquisite, intricately designed portrait. The moist forest floor giving off that disarming after-rain smell.

Amongst all that a mop of curls with big brown honeyed irises dressed in an off white, almost cream coloured chiton, walked barefoot without a worry in the world and a grin on his face. Far away from reality; too far gone and oblivious from his own memory, much less the memories of others.

He walked and walked, sitting on trees and gazing at animals. The sun lighting up half of his face and the other half shadowed by the setting sun.

He walked and walked till he was lost; not a care for the world anymore. As the sun stooped low into the horizon his face darkened completely, no more grinning, his chiton now musted and his legs aching.

He walked and walked deep into the forest and the dark trees grew thicker and thicker and the sky grew sadder and sadder, touching the hues of grey when finally the boy found himself in front of a clearing.


The path ahead sat almost as eerie and cataclysmic as the boy. The sun never shined on the path and trees never lived on it.

At the curb like structure stood a hooded figure.

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