sad backstory |Chapter one|

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You woke up around 7:00 am, you where in your bedroom ruffling your hair, you where pretty anxious. You sigh, you where going to start collage in a week.

You smell something coming from the kitchen, you sat up your Endeavor plushy falling from your arms onto your bed ,  You groaned when you heard your mother walking upstairs to your room.

You had always loved your mother...even if she yelled at you, but you couldn't be mad at her for that...she had went through a lot.

Your mother worked two job to support the both of you. Your father had left you when you where only five.


You where sitting on the  comfy couch with a big smile on your face as you watched the news, Endeavor was fighting a new villian! You held a plushy of the number two her, Endeavor, You've been a big fan of his every since you saw him in action fighting a villian, it was near your preschool.
You loved Endeavors fighting moves and super tough personality! You wanted to be just like him.
But you didn't really have any friends because of that though, you only had one close friend...but he moved away when you started junior high school. He loved Endeavor just like you. But he was your only friend and both of you would be bullied for being different and liking different stuff then all the other kids. He would always try to protect you, but he would never win.

Right when Endeavor won the fight with the villian you heard screaming and yelling coming upstairs. You ignored it and watched some cartoons. You heard something smash, you jumped of the couch as the yelling got louder every step you took.
You heard your mothers scream coming from your parents bedroom, once you where upstairs.
"Mommy!" You yelled running into there room. As you ran you felt a tear drip down your cheek, you held onto your Endeavor plushy even tighter , 'What if mommy if getting hurt my a evil mean villian!' You though.

Once you where at there door you can finally here what they where saying, you but your ear against the door, "You fucking bitch!" Your father screamed as another thing shattered onto the floor, you heard your mothers cry and scream of pain.

Your thoughts where racing , 'b-but if there isn't a villian in there..."
You gently pushed the door opened and stood in the door way, your mother was at her knees on the floor blooding running down her hands onto the floor, you saw a lamp smashed, and a glass cup which had spilled water all over the floor.

When you looked up to see who did this...It was your father.
You felt tears roll down your cheeks onto your endeavor plushy. As soon as you stepped into the room you Mother stared at you wide eyed as your glittering e/c eyes meant your mothers beautiful green eyes, you could see the pain in the.

You went up to your mother and cried , "What happened! Why did daddy do this to you!" Your mothers cold bleeding hand made it's way to your cheek, which made you wince at the pain.

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!" Your mother said as she opened you door to see you starting at your ceiling with your old Endeavor plushy hugged agasint your chest." Y/n, stop spacing out." your mother says waving her hand in front of your face which wakes you back into reality.

You groaned and sat up "You have to stop spacing out like that, when you start collage that will become a really big deal." Your mother said in a concerned as she sat next to you. She takes your hand and holds it tight. "I know it's hard to forget about your childhood, but your 20 now! you have to forget about your past, and focus on the future, you don't know what will happen in the future..." Your mother said as you just nodded your head. 
She held you closer, 'Alright Y/n , listen to your mother. the past is past, focus on what's ahead." You thought, then you heard you belly grumble.
Your mother sat and said , "Looks like someone's hungry! Let's get you some breakfast y/n"

Hey, so this is my first fanfiction , sorry if it's bad, and I don't expect to get much attention from this, but I would love some feedback to make my story's even better. Thanks for reading and have a great day or night , if your reading this at night get some sleep,  bye!

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