Oddly familiar |Chapter two|

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You ate your breakfast pretty quickly, you finished at 7:25am, and your mom left around 7:00. You were alone in the house for almost the rest of the day.

you sigh as you got up and but your empty bowl and spoon in the sink. On the fridge was a grocery list, you decided to help your mom out and get the groceries.

You went to your bathroom and took a shower, you had left out some bra , panties , white crop top, and some black skinny leggings. The crop top fight loosely on your small figure, then you did your makeup and looked at your phone , it read 9:03.

'Good I still have all day to do the groceries.' You thought.
It took around an hour to get the grocery shopping done and about twenty minutes to put them away.

Once you where done you leaned on the fridge, looking at your phone. 10:24, You sighed. 'Do I at least have any text messages?' You questioned yourself.
You have one text from your mother.


Hey sweetie can you do the laundry, I won't have time to do it today. After that why don't you go and get yourself some lunch, you've earned it!

You smiled, your mom never liked to order you around or give you any chores , you just did it on your own, like doing the dished , laundry, and grocery shopping, even cleaning the house when you got bored. She made sure that you got a treat when she knew you did those things, it got a bit annoying one day when she told you that you shouldn't do all of this stuff around the house you need to relax. But you wanted to help your mother out, and make her life a little easier on her.

Your number:

Sure mom! I already did the grocery shopping, so you don't have to worry about that. Have a good day at work! love you, bye!

You looked around the kitchen and living room, then you gasped. You ran upstairs and grabbed your Endeavor plushy, then you sat ran back downstairs and jumped onto the couch, you quickly found the remote , you turned on the tv. 'Finally! I've been waiting for ever! the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart!' You thought as a big smile came up on your face.

The number ten hero came first, Dragoon Hero Ryukyu. Then came the number ninth hero, Equipped Hero Yooroi Musha. Then came the number eighth hero, Laundry Hero, Wash. Then the number seventh hero, Kamui Woods. then the number fifth hero, Rabbit hero, Mirko. Then came the number fourth hero, Ninja Hero, Edgeshot.  Then the number third hero , Fiber Hero, Best Jeanist.

Then the number second hero, Wing hero: Hawks, he looked oddly familiar to you, those big red wings, and those golden eyes,  his blond messy hair, and his grin. You just shrugged it of, you didn't care about hawks, you just wanted to see Endeavor.

"He's been the temporary number one, but today..." Your eyes light up as you saw red flames emerge onto the screen, "....He's really, truly in the number one spot." Your eyes widened as you saw his new suit, with a  new belt and two new shoulder pads. "He's waited a long time! Flame hero, Endeavor!"

You held your Endeavor plushie tightly and you jumped up a bit when you heard , Endeavor. "He deserves the number one spot!" You exclaimed to yourself.

After that a lady went on about All might's retirement, you just sighed and your eyes just stuck to Endeavor. After that they let the each hero have a comment, it was all boring stuff  "I would like to work in a way that dose not shame those before me." Kamui woods, said in a monotone voice.

Then out of no where Hawks said , "Who's gonna be happy listening to that." Your eyes widened, 'what a rude dude...' You though. Everyone when silent.

Hawks grabbed the microphone out of the lady's hand , "Lets see..." Hawks said. His big red wings flapped open, "If were just talking about approval ratings...Best Jeanist is number one with the boost he got from hiatus." He flew of the ground, leaving red feathers beneath him.
"Second is me, third is Edgeshot." Hawks said , he flew up wards, you could see some people looking up at him " And fourth is Endeavor. I'll skip the rest."

You saw Endeavors gaze move toward him, as hawks flew up higher red feathers fell to the ground, "I think approval rating is the most important right now, though. It this really the time to be dragging out the past?" Hawks asked , "You don't think we need to change how we do things?" All of the hero's looked up at him as he stopped flying and stayed in that same spot in the sky." The Symbol is gone. at this "critical juncture," why are the less accomplished one's than me playing it safe?" You could see his cheesy grin even from where the camera angel was. "Say something that sounds hero-like." The bird hero said. You heard mumbles from the people below, even on the tv screen. 

"That's all from me." He said and at that same moment he fell besides Endeavor, still keeping about five feet of the ground, he held the microphone to Endeavor and said , "Now go ahead, number one hero, with a lower approval rating then me." Hawks wings still flapped in the air.

Endeavor snatched the microphone from Hawks, the flame hero seemed angry. He put the microphone to his mouth he hesitate for a moment then took a big breath and said , "After that young person has  fanned the flames, I won't say much. " Endeavor said, he raised his left hand beside his stomach and made it into a fist , "Just watch me." 
You titled your head, "Just watch me?" You muttered, a bit confused. Hawks then clapped his hands his back still facing the rest of the hero's besides Endeavor.

You took the remote and turned the tv off, you then smiled and looked at your old Endeavor plushie, you put it a few inches away from your face and said , "I hope he makes a new plushie!"

A few hours later
You where just laying on you bed scrolling through social media, it was around midnight, your mother was sleeping in her room. Then you heard a THUD coming from outside your window. You jumped up and looked through your window , right beside your bed, you couldn't see much, sense it was night, but you saw some red feathers fall from the sky. "Weird..." You say to yourself.

You quickly grab your coat and run outside and into the alleyway in between your house. You saw big red wings on the ground, it had lost some feathers, but besides that , the red wings looked healthy. You quickly walked up to the person and say some scars on there face but that was about it. you sighed, "How am I supposed to help you? You look so heavy so I can't bring you inside..." 
"You don't have to do that Doll." The guy with red wings said. "W-what?" You stuttered.
He flew himself to his feet , and he staggered closer to you, his right leg seemed to be hurt.
He stopped about a feet away from you, you could see his face now, he had golden eyes, and messy blonde hair, he was wearing some black and yellow headphones. Your eyes widened, "O-oh my god, your hawks..." you mentioned , your voice seemed to crack a bit. His tan jacket was buttoned up to his nose so you couldn't see his mouth.

He took out a photo of his jacket pocket, his eyes widened as he looked at the photo then you, you saw your name on the back of the photo, "Y-Y/n" He stuttered , his bird-like eyes became wide.

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