It's been awhile | Chapter three |

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Hawks golden eyes sparkled in the moon light, e/c meant golden , as you guys stared into each others eyes , silence fills the alleyway.

"How do you know my name." You finally say , braking the somewhat comforting silence. Hawks just continued to stare at you until he finally said , "I've been looking every where for you y/n! I can't believe I've found you!" You look at him confused , "D-Do I know you?" You stutter. He places the photo in his pocket again and takes your hands and squeeze's them , "Don't you remember doll? Keigo Takami! Bird-man! in elementary school!" Hawks hands where shaking and you saw that his eyes looked sorta half-lidded. 

Then you remembered him, those red wings, that blond messy hair , the way his golden eyes looked at you , and how he squeeze's your hands as if I was the only thing that mattered. "K-Keigo Takami? My best friend from elementary school! I don't believe..." You whisper the last part to yourself, you looked at the ground. 

You feel the texture of his black gloves on your cheeks as he makes you look up at him, "You've becomes such a beauty, I swear if you where a chicken you'd be flawless." He joked. You giggled at his cheesy joke. You saw him bend down and pick up his broken visor, he sighed. "I should probably get going, I wish I could stay longer, but It seems like I need to get a new visor." He said. He put the broken yellow visor in his pocket , and puts his hand on the back of his head and winks at you with a stupid grin on his face, "See ya cutie" Before he had the chance to fly of you tugged on his jacket sleeve, "Wait! Your hurt, let me fix you up inside." You offered.

 Hawks smiled at you and nodded, "Great idea." You helped Hawks inside , it hurt a bit when he leaned on you because he was so heavy especially with those big red wings , but you were able to help him on the couch. 

"I need to grab the first aid kit, stay on the couch!" You exclaim running into the bathroom, your mother always kept the first aid kit there. Once you head back into the living room, first-aid kit in your hand, you saw you mother wobbling downstairs, she looked tired. Your mother looked at hawks wit confusion and started to panic , "O-oh hawks!" Your mother exclaimed as she ran up to him, almost tripping on her night gown. "W-what are you doing here so late, why are you hurt? Did y/n bring you in?" You mother kept on asking him questions which seemed to annoy him, until you sat down beside him. "It's okay mother, I found him in the alleyway hurt, so I brought him inside..." You sighed. 

His face has a few scars on it and his leg look like it had been sprained. You opened the first-aid kit and took out a couple of bandages and put them on his face, he smiles and closes his eyes. You then brought his tan pants leg up and looked up at him and asked, "Is your leg injured?" Hawks shacked his head in a no, "I think it's just sprained , no need to worry about it y/n." Hawks said, putting his hands on the back of his neck as he laid his head back. 

Your mother looked at Hawks shocked and asked him , "How do you know my daughters name?" You sat down beside hawks as he chuckled and looked at your mother saying, "Nice to see you again Ms. y/l/n." Your mother looked at him shocked, "H-How do you know my last name..." She stuttered. Hawks frowned at her and he took his shoes of and stood up stretching his left leg out, " Don't you remember me , Mr. y/l/n? It's be keigo Takami..." Hawk sighed. 

He then cracked his leg and sat back down , the back on his head on the upper part of the couch as he stared at the ceiling. "Keigo Takami? No that can't be, I know he had red wings...but you moved away!" Your mother exclaimed siting next to him. 

"I didn't move away, I was offered a chance to be a hero at a young age after I saved a bunch of people , I accepted!" Hawks said in his same cocky attitude, he seemed really proud of himself. You smile and say, "I'm so happy for you!" You said leaning in and hugging him. 

You felt Hawks freeze up and you look up at him. "What's wrong?" You asked him. Hawks chuckled, "Nothing, I just...haven't felt your warm touch in a long time..." Hawks smiled warmly at you as he returned the hug. He squeeze's you like you where a teddy bar. You smile and rap your arms around him until he backed away and said, "Hey how about you give me your phone, so we can keep in touch."

Your eyes lighten up as you nod your head slowly. He held out his hand, you looked at it confused, he chuckles " I need your phone chickadee, or else how am I supposed to put it in?" You looked at him shocked. "D-Did you just call me C-chickadee?" You stutter. "Why would you call me that?" You asked him.

Hawks leaned forward and grinned then his hand moved toward your nose and he touches the tip of your knows and says , "Because your as cute as it is." Your face light a light pink as you heard those words come out of his mouth.

You grab you phone and give it to Hawks , "J-Just take!" You yell. You tried to hide the blush on your face by looking the other way, but it didn't work. "Aww, is my little baby has a little crush." Your mother says in a sweet tone.

You looked at her angerly and then flipped your head back away from hawks. He poked you in the shoulder and asked, "Hey chickadee, I have to go, but first can you tell me the date and time?" You nod and grab your phone of off hawks hands and looked at your phone, then you quickly turn it of and reply, "It's August 5th , Wednesday , and the time is 1:50 am." 

Hawks smiled and put his elbow on his pants leg and says with a stupid looking grin on his face, "Thanks, now I know the exact time I meant the women of my dreams." (I'm bad at flirting...) You gently punched him in the arm, you could feel the blush coming onto your face as he said that. 

Hawks got up with both of his hands on his neck and he gives you a grin as he walks out of the door, you were about to stop him but he was already gone.

3rd person P.O.V

Hawks sat on a red couch , on his left side was an couch, and his right side was another couch, the rooms walls had ceiling to floor windows all around the walls, in front of the three couches was a desk with a computer on it, and a stack of papers neatly staked on the side , right beside some pens and pencil.

Hawks sat on the red couch that was a crossed from his desk, he had a dairy in his lap and a pen in his hand. He wrote in it, 'Dear dairy, I finally found y/n again! It's been years since I saw her, I kept trying to find her after my hero training but I guess luck wasn't on my side...until two days ago, I had found y/n's house she was in collega, and while I was watching her I had an idea, I would cut myself in the face and hurt my leg , then I would pretend to be hurt and fall into the alleyway. The plan actually work! I gave her my phone number and left...though...I can't get her out of my mind! She's the only thing I can focus on. It was like this when we were children two, I don't know why... I think , I might actually love her, her...I would do anything to make her happy...and for her to be mine...' Hawks eyes twitched a bit as he continued to write, 'I guess I really do love her...I just hope no one will get in the way of that. Heh, It's weird...I've never felt this before...I've already masturbated three times just thinking about her today, heh.'

Just as he wrote that last sentence his door behind him opened up, his secretary walks in with a h/c hair girl. 

Hawks looked behind him and saw y/n , his eyes meant hers as the room went silent for a second, "What's that you got there Mr.Hawks?" His secretary asked. Hawks chuckled and threw his diary at the wall saying, "Nothin' important."

He patted at the red couch cousin beside him, "Come on chickadee sit down." Hawks says. The girl sat beside Hawks. As the two of them began to talk, his secretary picked up his dairy and read the first page, her eyes widened as she thought, 'H-Hawks is in love!'

She shut the Dairy and sat it beside hawks other side, she quickly left and shut the door quickly behind her, leaving the winged hero , and h/c haired girl in Hawks office alone.

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