Visit | Chapter five|

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I held Y/n as I flew in the sky. I looked down and scanned her face, there was a mix of worry and fear in her expression. I chuckled, 'she always hated heights,' I Thought. "Hey , It's okay chickadee...I won't drop you..." I claimed with a frown on my face, 'Can she not trust me? 'I questioned myself

I saw a smile appear on Her face, "Don't worry , I trust you," She implied, I knew she would never lie to me, but I can't help but remember what I saw, back with the Nomu. ' Todoroki and Y/n Talking...'  My grip tightened on Y/n's stomach, 'Why couldn't I have helped her!'  I Brooded. 'She's mine...I saw the look in Todoroki's eyes...Love," My thoughts distracted me about Todoroki and Y/n , until I eventually passed Her house.

"Hawks!" She exclaimed. I looked downed at Her, I could see the reflection of my furious gaze in Y/n's gentle e/c eyes. She looked at the ground and stayed silent. I felt my gaze soften as I stopped and now we were floating in the sky, my wings flapping to keep us ahold up in the air.

"I'm sorry...and...Y/ me keigo...please...don't call me by my hero name..." I insisted, She smiled and looked up at you and nodded, "Right...keigo...Hah, I haven't called you that in a long time!" She giggled at the end of her sentence. I nodded and held her chin up to look at me, my thumb held her cheek while my index finger on her chin, I grinned at her and replied, "That was a long time ago wasn't it?"

I saw a light pink blush appear on Her cheeks as I held her face in place so she would look up at me. "What?" I asked her, She looked at me confused. "Hmm? Oh!" She realized and inverted her gaze to the ground  that was about 20 feet below us. "We passed my house, and you felt mad about something...what was it?" She asked, you voice softened.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about hero stuff, no need to worry..." I paused and looked up in the sky and fixed my face to sorta resemble All Might's. Then I turned my head back to Her and said "Why? Because I am here!"

Y/n laughed and I laughed along with her, but I couldn't get Todoroki out of my mind, "I guess I should turned around and land you back at your house." I pouted 'I really want to make sure that she's safe...and to spend more time with her...' . She nodded and smiled as she braced herself to be flied around again.



I sat on my bed looking at the date, I sighed "August 7th , Friday...just three more days until collage..." You then heard a knock on the front door and put your phone down, your gaze traveled to the Pajamas you were wearing. 'I should get changed' I thought as I sat up and quickly got changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

I rushed downstairs and rushed to the front door, opening it with a big smile on your face. The first thing you saw when you opened the door was some white hair, then you stared at the guys eyes and say gay and turquoise eyes 'Todoroki!' I thought, ' How dose he know where I live?'

Todoroki was wearing a black coat with a gray shirt underneath and some black pants. "H-hi..." I said with a light pink blush on my face. "Do you mind if I come in?" Todoroki asked as he looked up and down your body.

You nodded , and as Todoroki took on step in the house you stepped in front of him and blurt out , " How did you find where I live!" Todoroki looked at you with a cold gaze that sent shivers down your spine. "I have my ways, my father is the number one hero after all..." Todoroki mutters and you stepped out of his way as he slowly walked inside inspecting the house.

You nervously looked at the ground and played with your fingers , 'What's with that cold stare?' you question myself. "This is a nice place." Todoroki said with a small smile toward you which made you blush even more. You slowly walked over to the couch and sat down, you could feel Todoroki staring at you from behind.

You patted at the seat next to you and said, "Take a seat..." He did so. It was weird having him this close to you. His white and crimson hair looked...weird...but you liked it, it fit his eyes, and you loved his grey and turquoise eyes. You were so busy staring at him that you didn't hear what he was saying until he tapped you in the shoulder.

"H-Huh?" You asked confused as you looked up at his eyes. "I was asking you who your favorite hero was..." He said with a\s he blankly stared in your eyes, but his eyes said something different. You saw warmth and yearning in his eyes, it seemed he was trying his best to hide something from you. You just shook that feeling of it and answered him, "E-Endeavor...He's my favorite hero..."

He growled under his breath and looked over at the T.V that was turned off, "Why Endeavor?" He asked eagerly with a hint of anger in his voice. You looked at him confused , "Well...I really like how he fights and how he tried his best to surpass all how I tried my best to father..." You said the last part in a whisper, you didn't want him to know about your past and why did he even care? 'He was apart of the next generation of hero's , he's in U.A , dose he really have time for me?' You asked as anger weld up inside you.

"Like what...your father you said?" He asked. You gulped and nodded "Why would you care?" You muttered to him as you moved your head to stare at the ground. You felt Todoroki grab your hand tightly and say, "Because you seem like a nice person, and it would be nice to be your friend...having a friend outside of U.A...sounds nice," Shoto remarked, which made a small smile appear on your face.

"But I have one question..." You paused and looked up at Todoroki who was looking at you a bit concerned, "Go on" He said in a cold but warming voice . "Why did you sound angry when you asked me why I liked Endeavor?"


"Go one..." I said in a cold voice. 'What is with this girl, why do I like her so much?' I asked myself. 'I've never felt like this with any one' I could feel my heartbeat from my ears, I was so nervous and never knew how to respond to her, my stomach felt like it had butterflies, I was so nervous around her, and my heart was beating so fast. 

"Why did you sound angry when you asked me why I liked Endeavor?" She asked. That question made my eyes widened , 'How did she know I was angry?' I questioned myself. I sighed and looked into Her beautiful e/c eyes. "I-well..." I stumbled over my words then just thought about my father and if I can trust Y/n, 'Of course I can trust her! What's going on inside my head!'

Then I said something stupid, "Because I- Endeavor is dump...." She giggled and started to laugh. "W-what...are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on her forehead as she just continued to laugh. "I-I'm just laughing...Todoroki...Y-you sounded so...confused why you said that...and what you said was so...weird..." She paused and the said, "And I never heard anyone call Endeavor dump before, and I never thought I would hear it from his on...but are you okay?" She asked and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay...hey...make some tea...I mean I could help you, and I'm not demanding you to do anything..." I trailed off and just looked at the ground. She stood up and nodded, "Yeah, I'll make some tea, and it would be nice for some help..." 


I woke up the next day in my bedroom and amedently a smile appeared on my face as I remember that I brought Y/n home safe, and even took a couple of photos of her while she was sleeping.

I sat up and ran my fingers through my messy blonde hair. I looked at the clock on my night stand and saw that I had slept in , 'That...never happens I usually get up early' I thought. 


I finished my hero duties and decided to go and visit Y/n. As I was about to knock on Y/n's front door I heard giggling. I looked into her window and saw her laughing while Todoroki sat beside her, looking at her confused.

I clenched my fist in anger and watched at they continued to talk, and finally Y/n stood up and walked into the kitchen , Todoroki following her. I heard people behind me and sighed 'Great...people are walking around...' I turned around and walked away from the house as fans surrounded me. 

I waved to all of them and they asked for autographs and selfies, of course I accepted and by the time they were gone Todoroki was walking out of Y/n's house. Todoroki waved to her and said "Goodbye, I'll come back soon,"

Once she closed the front door I walked over to Todoroki and put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He looked over his shoulder and turned fully around. "Hey, It's icy hot boy!" I joked with a grin on my face, but really I felt angry 'Why the hell was he with Y/n?" I thought.

"It's Todoroki Shoto," Todoroki uttered coldly. "Right, So how's your father, He's not answering my calls. He busy? I bet your a handful for him," I chuckled but He didn't seem to like what I said. "I'm sorry, I have to go." Todoroki said with a little bow and started to walk away.

'What's wrong with him? Why's he always like that' I wondered. I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and as I stepped close to Y/n's front door, by hand in a fist as I almost knocked on the door, a thought came over me 'Dose Y/n have feelings for Todoroki?' I stopped from knocking and just stood there frozen.

'N-no, maybe...I guess if she dose...I have to do something about it.'  I thought as I knocked on the front door with a grin on my face.

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