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Roman yelps when he hears the crash of thunder, looking up from the script he was working on and beginning to shake slightly.

He hates how absolutely terrified he is of thunderstorms. He's supposed to be the bravest prince in the mindscape, for god's sake!

And yet here he is, retreating to his covers, where he'll be safe from the thunder.

Another crash of thunder is heard and he shouts in fear, curling up tightly and covering his ears, not aware of how loud he cries.

Roman doesn't even hear the knocking on his door. He's way too far gone in his panic to even notice.

Suddenly, though, a hand touches his shoulder.

He yelps again, pulling away and looking up at his fellow trait.


His huge gay crush.

Seeing him in his absolute worst state.

He quickly wipes his eyes, forcing a smile.

"Patton! H-how are you?!" He asks quickly. Patton frowns at Roman hiding his emotions before once again, a crash of thunder is heard.

Roman yelps again, quickly throwing himself into Patton's arms and holding onto his shirt tightly.

Patton instantly hugs onto the scared trait, furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

"You're afraid of the thunder?" He asks softly. Roman sighs at the fact that he'll have to accept it and nods slowly, whining a bit as another strike of thunder comes from outside.

Patton smiles a bit and hugs him closer, kissing his forehead softly. Roman blushes a bit, looking up at Patton.

"You'll be okay. I'll protect you." He whispers.

Roman smiles softly and nods, pulling Patton down and cuddling up to him before pulling the blanket over them both.

Many more crashes of thunder are heard that night but the noise seems much more manageable with Patton there, holding him, protecting him.

It's then that Roman realizes something.

It's nice to be the damsel in distress sometimes.

(317 words)

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