Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

He’s close behind me. I have to get out of the way before he shoots.

The sofa! Perfect, I do a jump and roll to get behind the protective material of the sofa, water skims the top of my head just as I duck down fully. It’s not over yet though, crawling to the side I peep round to get a look of my attacker.

Crap! He is about to jump over, as quickly as I can I aim and shoot. BAM!!! HA!!! I got him right in the face. The look on my dad’s face makes me break down laughing.

I fall on my back laughing but on my way down I hit my head on the table “OWW!! MOTHER F...” I am interrupted from my screams of pain by my dad’s laughter and soon we are both on the floor in hysterics, sore heads forgotten.

When I finally calm down enough to speak I manage to get out one sentence before I’m drowning from the water of the water gun. “Beaten by a girl dad, I think you’re getting sloppy.”

Later on that night we are sitting on the, slightly damp, sofa eating my favourite, pepperoni pizza, while watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Half way through the movie I pick up a piece of popcorn from the bowl and throw it at dad. I can see he is deep in thought so I throw another two, then one more for good measures (and I admit to be annoying).

This one he catches before it even gets close to him. He turns to me “what do you want Iris.” he snaps I can see he didn’t mean to snap because he looks like it pained him when he realised what he said.

I sigh I have to get this out; I know he has wanted to say this for the whole of today and he planned this amazing day I always know when this is coming so I have to get this out otherwise no one is ever going to say anything. “How long are you going to be gone this time dad?”

He suddenly finds the floor very interesting “a year.” he says so quietly I barely hear it.

“A year” I repeat he nods his head “you’ve never been away longer than six weeks.”

“I know.” he answers, and we fall into silence.

My dad is in the CIA, which is awesome, but he has to travel a lot. I don’t mind usually because he isn’t away long most of the time, but a year!! What was I going to do?

Most 17 year olds would love for their parents to leave them alone for a whole year, but my dad is my best friend (no it’s not sad, he is awesome) and also my teacher.

I have never been to a real school I have always been home schooled, since my dad is in the CIA and only goes away for a little while, he is usually there to teach me. He not only teaches me the basic academic but also the basic CIA training (he wants me to be able to protect myself). I still go out, and have other friends it’s just none can compare to him.

His voice brings me out of my thoughts. “And Iris.”

Oh god he said ‘and Iris’ that means there’s more (no shit Sherlock) shut up mind I don’t want to talk to you right now.

My dad interrupts the internal fight with my mind. “You’re going to boarding school,” Oh hell no, “in England.” Well ain't this just peachy.

I can’t say anything I’m too freaked out to speak, so he takes this as an opportunity to explain himself. “It’s a year Iris, there will be holidays and you might get sick so I don’t want you to be without family nearby, I might not even be home for Christmas.”

The look on my face must have shown how that bothered me because he quickly said “I MIGHT not, anyway that’s why you are going to England. Your Aunt Julia lives there so I put you in the school closest to her, at least you have someone there Iris, and I can’t stand to leave you alone for this long.”

I held my hand out to stop him; I could see how much this pained him. “Its okay dad I’ll be fine you have trained me to defend myself when you’re not around.” I paused. “Just promise me one thing though; promise me you will try to be home for Christmas.”

He smiled “I’ll try kiddo.”

* * * * *

Hey sorry that was so short I will try to get them at least two pages from now on. Anyway I hoped you liked my first chapter. 

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