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Thor has warned the island residents of the incoming threat, Galactus who plans to feed on the island and it's immense power. The end is near.


The orb. The Zero Point. The Nexus. That thing was stuck in Daek Bomber's mind. As she dreamt of the Zero Point, she began to feel pain. She saw a butterfly made of a rift, and then another, and then some more, until hundreds, maybe even thousands were everywhere. Dark Bomber heaed thunder. Emerging from the swarm of butterflies was the cube. "Kevin." The source of all the destruction on the previous island. That cube caused a chain reaction. The island being endangered by zombies. Two giants facing off. Dark Bomber's creation. And finally, the end of that island. In her dream, the cube started to glow brighter and brighter. Lightning shot from the cube and engulfed Dark Bomber. As the lightning faded away, so did the cube. She was then staring back at the Zero Point. It exploded, sucking her into a black hole. Emerging from the darkness, was a giant being wearing black and red armor. It was Galactus. He was still headed towards the island.

Dark Bomber quickly jolted up from the bed.

"Another nightmare from that Zero Point thing?" Axo asked, sitting up.

"Yes. Why is this happening? Why do I keep dreaming of that Zero Point? And why do I keep seeing that Galactus guy!? In every dream, it seems like he gets closer to the island." Dark Bomber replied, sweat dripping down her forehead.

"Its ok, I'm here for you. They're just nightmares." Axo stroked Dark Bomber's messy hair.

Axo gave Dark Bomber a kiss on the cheek and laid back down.

The image of the Zero Point was still trapped in Dark Bomber's brain. She laid back down alongside Axo, hoping to get some sleep that night.

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