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The cube exploded, revealing it's contents. A massive monster with pale skin. Purple cubes extruded out of various parts of its body. Two large horns decorated the top of its head. The monster stared down at everyone with it's glowing purple eyes. The Storm King roared once more as the large cluster of crystals in it's chest started to glow yellow. For display, The Storm King shot a yellow beam from his chest and into the sky.

"Show-off." Brite Bomber muttered, readying her weapon.

"Not to be negative or anything, but how the hell do we kill this thing?" Zoey called out.

"I have an idea." Midas said, materializing a large golden javelin.

With all his might, he used his powers to propel it towards the Storm King's chest. The crystal flashed a dark red color as The Storm King roared in agony. He pulled the javelin out of his chest and stared at Midas. The Storm King aimed his hand at the group as the crystal in the palm of his hand started to glow yellow.

"Watch out!" Midas ran to dodge the incoming attack.

The beam barely missed Midas, but he was able to feel the heat when it passed by.

"Attack!" Drift yelled, firing his minigun at the Storm King's chest.

Everyone else started using the guns, powers, and everything they had against the Storm King. The Storm King roared as purple lightning fell to the ground, summoning groups of cube monsters.

"You gotta be kidding me." Remedy groaned.


Jules admired the cool suit that Ocean handed her. Jules nodded go Riptide and Chic.

"Okay, I'm ready. Send me in." Jules said, trying to sound tough and calm, even though her heart was racing.

She had never done anything close to this ever before. Ocean pressed a few buttons on the machine, and in a flash, Jules was sent inside of Dark Bomber's mind.


As the team battled cube monsters and the Storm King, a massive purple beam appeared in the middle of the area, killing all the nearby cube monsters. The beam faded, revealing Jules reloading a pump shotgun.

"What the fuck? How?" Midas whispered.

Which each shot of the shotgun, was at least one dead cube monster. As Jules destroyed the oncoming zombies while Catalyst assisted with a P90, the others aimed for the Storm King.

"Grenade out!" Brite Bomber yelled, landing a stink bomb inside of the Storm King's mouth.

The monster coughed, trying to get the bomb out. Now vulnerable, the group shot at the monster's chest. The Storm King roared louder than ever, using all of its energy for its next attack. All the cubes around the Storm King's body started to glow yellow, and with a loud booming sound, the Storm King was sent up into the sky and was moving at alarming speeds.

"We can't let him escape!" Jules called out.

Midas and Ice King used their powers to raise themselves to the same level as the Storm King. Before the two could even make a strike, a rift appeared teleporting the Storm King.

"No!" Midas called.


In the hideout, energy readings appeared all over the computer that let the group into Dark Bomber's head. Loud metallic footsteps sounded behind Ocean.

"The energy readings here are off the charts, everyone in here needs to evacuate before something explodes." An unfamiliar voice informed.

It was Tony Stark, one of the newcomers on the island.

"Go on, get out!" He said, using the nanotech from his suit to form a large shield on his hand.

A purple beacon emerged from the computer and shot up into the sky, putting a hole through the ground. Ocean and Tony Stark looked up through the hole to see a hole in the clouds too.

"I wonder what that was." Tony asked.

Suddenly, one by one, everyone was transported back out of Dark Bomber's head.

"We screwed up?" Drift said in disbelief.

With the nanotech, Tony's mask disappeared.

"I had my share of screwing up big time, too. Well, if whatever the hell that was, comes back, I'll be willing to help." Tony mentioned before leaving.

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