so shoot a star on the boulevard tonight

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hi! real quick just wanted to apologize for taking so long i just kinda hate the last chapter and was scared of ruining this one too ok carry on

tyler shifted in his sleep, a shooting pain making its way through his back. the events from the night before rapidly flashed in his mind: the banditos, the fire, nico..

he sat up slowly, the pain increasing slightly as he ran his fingers through his soft brown hair, groaning a little as he did so. he supposed falling asleep on the concrete floor was probably not his brightest idea.

his brain flashed a few of last nights occurances rapidly through his brain, the rain, the banditos, the eye contact.. nico. the fire, the lying, the fall, and nico locking his door. nico locked his door.

he knew it wouldn't be of any use, but he stood up, still slightly woozy, and made his way to the door. surprise surprise, the knob still wouldn't budge. tyler punched the door angrily, knuckles immediately stinging with pain.

that's when he remembered what he'd seen under his desk, the journal.

his heart began to beat quite rapidly and he couldn't even say why. it was his journal, why was he so afraid to see what was inside? he hadn't written in it since his first smearing, there couldn't possibly be anything that terrifying inside.

although whatever he was writing had caused that smearing in the first place. that didn't necessarily mean it was bad, whatever it was he wrote. at least that's what he tried to convince himself.

he didn't know how long nico had intended to keep him cooped up in this dead room, reading it could pass the time.

holding his still slightly stinging knuckles gently in his other hand, he shuffled over to his desk, slowly dropping to his knees in front of the wooden structure.

from where he was kneeling he couldn't see it clearly, so he put his hands to the floor and peered underneath the desk. the book was wedged between the back left leg of the desk and the wall.

tyler sat up and attempted to push the desk from the wall, trying his best not to potentially damage the journal in the process. the wood made a scratching noise as it dragged across the floor, making tyler wince and push it slightly more slowly as to hopefully not bring attention to himself.

suddenly a soft thud made its way into tyler's ears, and he looked down to see the journal on the floor. it was much smaller in size compared to the typical journal, as though it could fit into his pocket, about the length of his hand.

he just stared at it for a moment, as though the cover was laced with acid that would burn his hands upon impact.

could this even be his? maybe it was a journal from a previous resident. he didnt want to think about why they would have been removed if that was the case.

get your sht together tyler, pick up the dmn book.

with a sigh followed by a deep and shaky inhale, he reached out his hands and grasped the leather book in them.

that was easy enough. now he just had to open it.

like a band-aid.

the first page just said his name, not exceptionally neat, but not exactly messy either. at least he knew it was his.

the next page had a scribbled entry that seemed like a letter more than anything else. it never stated who it was made out to, just that he was thankful for the journal and that he missed whoever he was writing to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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