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namjoon woke up that morning slightly happier than usual. though he had to kill someone the night before he was still overjoyed after last nights date. just the thought of seokjin's smile made him feel so high. as if his smile alone was a drug.

or the thought of their first kiss. that alone was enough to bring a deep blush to his cheeks. how weird though, a feared mafia leader blushing over a little kiss. such an odd thing for a man who has killed people since the young age of 13 is blushing over a silly kiss.

well not just any silly kiss. this was a kiss from a man that has made him happier overall. despite not knowing it, seokjin has made him feel softer and fluffier. just the thought of his cheeky smile, fluffy hair, and bright demeanor was enough to make him high off serotonin for the rest of the day.

it was only friday and he couldn't wait until tuesday. to be able to be with seokjin. to see him smile, laugh, talk, or just breathe in general. he couldn't wait, he was like a child a few days before christmas. to hype and excited to open his gifts except it wasn't christmas and seokjin was the gift.

jackson's boyfriend, mark, even noticed a change. mark usually was terrified of namjoon and the last thing he wanted to do was be around him when he was working but he was stuck. he just so happened to be with his boyfriend when it all happened and got stuck sitting in the corner watching the three most powerful men in korea talk business.

that's when he noticed it, namjoon would usually be livid about something if like that happens but last night he was more brighter if you could use that word. sure he was mad about it all but he wasn't as mad as mark expected him to be. hell he even considered actually talking to the man without standing 8 feet away so he can have a running head start just in case namjoon did get mad.

mark would kiss the feet of the man who changed namjoon. not that he hates namjoon, it's just he's scary when he's mad. like really scary. or just scary in general. to say the least, namjoon just scares him.

but all that is besides the point. what matters right now is how everyone is looking at him right now. the men who work under him had never seen him smile and laugh at his phone until today. today while he's supposed to be looking over some files from his multiple businesses, he's instead having a very pleasant conversation with jin.

well actually a very stupid one, jin had found this 'awesome' joke and he just had to share with namjoon. the joke, in namjoon's opinion was fairly dumb, but seokjin argues him down on that. now their both stuck on a conversation about pasta all because of the joke, 'what do you call a fake noodle? an impasta.'

it's been roughly a month since they first met and just from that small scene that played out in front of everybody, you could tell namjoon was happier. he found someone that made him feel the way he felt when he was with jimin. he hasn't felt this way about someone since he met jimin, maybe better. he loves this feeling of warmth that he gets every time he sees the older or just thinks about him.

he didn't want to jinx himself though. he didn't want to think about waking up with the older in the morning or joking around with him at every chance. getting to cuddle him at night and holding him close. no he didn't want to jinx himself by thinking about doing all that but it was hard. like really hard. he found himself dozing off a lot imagining what it would be like to care for the man.

hell, he was doing it right now, jin had then got off his break so he had to go and now he was just staring at the conversation between the two. he had a dazed look on his face and light tint to his cheeks. yoongi sat next to him looking at him weirdly. this was odd, this was very odd. he hadn't seen the younger blush since high school. was jin really changing him?

yoongi waved his hand in front of namjoon's face making the younger jump and drop his phone. yoongi shook his head and reached over to grab the phone that fell next to his foot. he looked at it for brief second while handing it to him. he caught a glimpse of the name and everything connected for him.

he really does like jin. yoongi thought while looking at the younger who was still lost in his thoughts. any other day would have been fine for namjoon to be lost in his thoughts but today wasn't. they needed to get more product and a meeting for this was in 10 minutes. if namjoon isn't focused it could put all of them in danger. if he's caught slipping just a little bit, either one of them could die.

"hey, kid, you need to focus. keñyate is going to be here soon and you know how dirty he plays with his work." yoongi said while turning to the younger. namjoon finally escaped his thoughts before nodding.

"i got this, i've just been thinking." namjoon says while running his fingers through his neat brunette hair making it messy. he chewed the inside of his cheek while looking to the side.

"what's wrong, hurry and let it out. i need you 100% focused when that meeting comes around." yoongi said, placing the gun he was filling up down onto the table.

"should i tell jin about this. from what i've noticed, he doesn't know about me and my line of work at all. but he's bound to find out someday. should i tell him?" namjoon asked, looking at yoongi with questioning eyes. a part of him wanted to tell him because it'd be better to hear about it from him then finding out by someone else. the other part told him that it'd drive the older away from him.

"you should tell him, you don't want to end up like me, in a never ending hole of lies." yoongi says looking off to the side. the only thing occupying his mind was him coming home in the late hours of the night and seeing his love with dried tear marks on his face.

it hurts him deeply and he wished he would have told him his actual line of work. but he knew of hoseok's hatred of violence, what he went through as a child that made him develop a deep rooted hatred for gangs. the thought hoseok would leave him if he were to find out about the things he's done, the people he's killed, the ones his has suffered at his hand.

"hey man, it's alright. you'll tell him soon though right." namjoon said, noticing the hurt look in his eyes. he remembers the nights yoongi came crying to him because of hoseok. the nights where hoseok thought he was cheating and put the man out of his house. you couldn't blame him though.

if someone you loved dearly came home at odd hours and left every time they got a message and always claimed it was a work issue. you would think so too. but that was the only proof he had. every message was deleted right after and the only ones he saw were the actual work messages from bighit themselves.

there was no smell of other persons on him, no marks or hickeys that would prove this thought, just odd scars that looked like they came from gun shots. and after every scar was a tattoo that covered most of them. just like namjoon's, a rose and a clock but instead on his lower abdomen.

"i'll be fine, i'll tell him when i muster up the courage. he's the scariest person i know and wouldn't want to make him mad." yoongi said while picking up the gun, turning the safety on and placing it the waist band of his pants. namjoon nodded and did the same. by that time the person that they were waiting for had just arrived...

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