65: Deadly webs we weave

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Greg poured another cup of bad coffee, handing one to Dianna as he sat down. She nodded in appreciation as Kyll continued his monologue.

"We flirted with the idea of teleporting a star. Tele-flirtation, if you will. But in the end it was easier to just drop a black hole into a gas giant and make another Star around Siggoram Prime." he said. Greg's ears perked up, as he turned to Dianna.

"I was just near Siggoram Prime. You didn't run into my friends did you?" he asked. "Heavy chick, flamboyant toaster and a bunny?"

"Actually, yes I did, they tripped my security. You don't realize we're still on Siggoram Prime, do you?"

"Apparently not. Kinda hard to judge teleporter distances."

"We're a hundred feet under my ship. Good place to hide." she smirked.

"My friends...Are they okay? All 3 of them?" he asked.

"You mean 4? Did you forget their captain?" she asked.

"No, I don't give a damn about that dumbass. You could eat him for all I care. He's the reason they get into trouble. I'm pretty much just concerned about the others."

"Then don't worry, they got a bit of a scare, maybe a scraped elbow or two, but they are fine otherwise. I'll release them when I get back."

"Oh, good then." he nodded, sipping his coffee as he returned to Kyll's rant.

"So with the sacrifice of one uninhabited gas Juupy-boi, The Weavers now have enough heat for a home system. Good work, guys." he nodded as everyone clapped. "Because being a Super Villain, is sometimes about being a Super-Friend to another Villain. Teamwork and progress." he finished.

"So...you got a planet nearby?" asked Dianna.

"Nah, just a small moon, slash space-station. It does have a giant space laser capable of wiping out a larger moon if need be."

"Interesting." she said leaning closer.

"I should mention that we're having the next meeting there, my Wives are fixing a nice dinner for everyone."

"You're married?" she asked, looking a little disappointed.

"Newlyweds, just getting our bearings. She's the best harem I ever had, even if I do get a chewing now and then."

Duffy flopped to the floor, spitting out the webbing she managed to chew through to free herself. She rushed to the captain's aid, only to find a trail of blood and his clothing torn to shreds

"Damn you." she sighed, grabbing a gun and heading down the hall for some alien killing. She spotted Marley and began cutting him free, before doing the same with Roy, who hit the floor dazed and low on power.

"Where's Lawg?" Marley asked. Duffy stifled her emotions for a moment.

"I haven't found him yet."

"This is terrifying, Duff. We're lost in space, The Tast-E-2 is crippled and drained, the robot is damaged and I feel helpless, like a kid or something." he cringed.

"You're a tech genius; can't you fix the robot so the spiders don't murder us?"

"I don't know, not if we freeze to death on this hostile tundra planet. I'd kill for a spare reactor core to overload or a time machine, or even a frigging wormhole device, regardless of where it sends us. Anywhere but here is an improvement. I wish Greg was here. He may be a villain, but we could use a bad guy right now and he would never betray us, especially with the genocidal Weavers, He hates bugs." He claimed.

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