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Su-an, Asami and Kaiser were at Majeah's house today having a playdate with Amika. The four were in her room sitting in a circle, trying to figure out what to play.

"So what're we gonna play?" Amika asked the group as she help Drago

"House?" Asami proposed.

"Doctor?" Su-an said.

"Let's play house." Amika said, liking the first idea.

After agreeing everyone started playing. Amika was dancing around with Su-an while Asami and Kaiser were on the other side of the room, the older singing while the younger just sat down and listened.

"Hey Kai let's run the ones." Asami said.

"Okay." Kaiser said, getting up and into a fighting stance. The two started play fighting, everything going fine until Asami had accidentally hit the younger and knocked him onto the floor. Kaiser just sat there, eyes big as he held the side of his face.

"¡Detente, estás bajo arresto! (Stop, you're under arrest!)" Amika said, running to the scene and checking on Kaiser.

"Any last words before you go to the slammer?"

"Uh.. YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME! FREE ME TILL IT BACKWARDS! FUCK 12!!!!" SHe said before pushing Amika away and running out of the room.

For the rest of the afternoon the Amika chased Asa, yelling at her in spanish as she tried to catch her and put her in jail which was really just a corner.

"I hope you aren't as loud as your sister." Majeah said laughing at the scene from where she stood in the kitchen.


"Why you actin like you got no options? Everybody knows that you're a star

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"Why you actin like you got no options? Everybody knows that you're a star. Why you make it look like you're so rotten? Everyone is troubled in the dark."- Randa's Gloss

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