4. First Impressions

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The cool air conditioning hit my face as the glass doors swung open. When I found the correct room the director greeted me with a smile. He gave me all of the information, when the filming would begin, who would be acting along side me, and a tour of the set, with the final destination, my dressing room.

"This is Alicia, and Brad. They will be your makeup artists, Fiona and Valerie are in charge of the costumes, and Anne will be doing your hair.

"Nice to meet you! I can't wait to get started. You have a beautiful face," The woman Anne said.

"Oh and look at those nails they are perfect!" Alicia admired. I thanked them and made my way out of the set with extra piles of documents, scripts and phone numbers. I heard a chime from my phone, and I stopped to see who had messaged me. I walked and stared at the screen, reading a vague message from Sienna and trying to understand it. All of a sudden, someone crashed into me, causing me to let go if everything I was holding to spill out on the pavement in front of me.

"I'm so sorry!" I said kneeling down to pick the papers up.

"No I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and-" I looked up from where I was gathering the papers. A boy was hovering over me, with brown ruffled hair, and piercing blue eyes the color of ice. I stood up with my papers in hand, and thanked the boy. Something familiar about him pulled at the back of mind.

"Are you... Logan Lerman?"

"Yeah. Kira?"


"Well nice meeting you. What are you doing here at the set?" He asked.

"Um I was passed on a movie deal and I am now playing Mia Aileant on The Prosecutor."

"No way! I'm playing Nicholas Kades."

"Oh wow. See you on set then."

"Try calling me," he said.

"But I don't have your-" I was cut off by his warm hands pushing my cellphone into my hand.

"Yea you do." And with that he walked away. My lips curled into a smile as I turned on my car, and sped home. The entire way I was thinking about him.

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