Stalkerish behaviour

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"Shut the fuck up Cupid me!" Cartman yelled. He was watching his friends, Stan and Kyle, from afar. He'd been hiding behind that bush for a little over an hour, watching the two boys talk like detective. Well, that's what he told himself anyways. Any onlookers would say otherwise.

"Come on, you've been watching these two for days. Let me just..."

"No cupid me! I don't want them being all faggy if it isn't meant to be! Think about it, a Jew and a Hippie. If they get married and get a baby, it'll be a Jippie. I don't think the world is ready for that yet."

"You need to look past that! They been glued to each other since preschool. Doesn't that mean something?"

"Maybe, but I want to be really sure this will end well before doing anything stupid. I don't need two of my friends all mopey and distant because their relationship didn't work out. which I caused. That'll just make me upset that I was wrong. We can't just go making people love each other all willy nilly Cupid me! We need to think things through."

"But they already love each other, we just need to give them a little push."

"For the love of God, shut up so I can think!"

Cartman wrote down the expressions they gave each other, how the other reacted when one laughed, their body language, every detail. He needed to know everything so he can come up with the perfect way to get them together.

"You're doing way too much. If we just lock them in a room together, they'll hookup."

"That won't work. They've had so many sleepovers, that simply locking them in a room together won't have any effect. Also, they won't just 'hookup' Cupid me. Kyle doesn't seem to have any interest in sex or anything of the sort, so he would easily turn Stan down, not to mention that bastard is still dating Wendy. We need to find out how to get Stan and Wendy to break up first. From what I've collected, Wendy and Stan go to the park every wednesday to have lunch. If I can get them to break up there, then Stan can go immediately to Kyle's house and you can strike them, okay Cupid me?"

Cartman didn't get an answer, and when he looked up from his notepad, Kyle and Stan were standing in front of him. They didn't look too pleased.

"What the hell are you doing Cartman?" Kyle asked, keeping his voice steady. Cartman looked around for Cupid me, but couldn't find him.

"That asshole. None of your business Jew!" 

Kyle noticed Cartman's notepad and snatched it from him to read.

"Ay, that's private property Kahl!" Cartman yelled, trying to get it back, but by the time he'd gotten it from him, Kyle had read the page that Cartman made specifically for him.

"Why are you stalking me?"


"Why are you stalking me Cartman?!"

Cartman realized that what was doing had seemed a bit suspicious. What with the pages upon pages of writing about the two, binoculars, magnifying glass, and him hiding behind a bush.

"I'm not stalking you Kahl. This is just, stalkerish behaviour."

Kyle rolled his eyes, and Stan turned around to walk away.

"Stay away from Kyle, Cartman. If you don't I'll kick your ass." Stan spat while walking away. Kyle followed after. Once they were far enough, Cartman grabbed his notepad and took note of how protective Stan was.

"This isn't gonna be too hard." He said to himself. The brunette gathered his things and made his way back to his house.

Authors note: Hello children! This is basically the main idea for this story. What do you think? The next chapter is gonna be much longer, so be prepared. I want to try and make this story more from Stan and Kyle's POV, but Cartman's really fun to write for. That being said, as I write for this, I'm also gonna be writing  a Kyman story at the same time. There gonna be hints of both ships in both stories, so I don't have to hurt my brain by thinking any more. Now I'm gonna go eat something, cause it is 8:21, and I haven't eaten anything at all lol. Seeya soon!

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