What is he up to?

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Kyle's POV

Me and Stan walked home after we found out that Cartman was stalking me. That fatass is probably trying to ploy a new scheme to humiliate me, because he never has anything better to do. Why does he always target me though? Seriously, I've never done anything to him, yet he always just wants to torment me and, overall, make my life hell. Well, not this time tubby, this time, I've got the upper hand. Now that I've caught him during his scheming, I can stop him before he does anything to me. Stan might want to help, so I see no reason to stop him. I might need all the help I can get, considering what Cartman is capable of. Stan knows this too, which is why he's refusing to go home today. He vividly remembers when Cartman blackmailed me with that ginger cow stuff back in primary school, and he's vowed to never let it happen again. Such a thoughtful friend. Now, we're sitting on the floor, playing Candy land for the millionth time, because Stan broke my Xbox last month and my mom hasn't gotten to buying me a new one. We would use our phones, but I'm worried that Cartman might be signed into my accounts because he was watching me in Tech last Tuesday while signing in. I wouldn't put it past him to be able to figure it out just by seeing which keys I press.

"Two blue. I win again!" Stan said, moving his little piece and throwing his hands up in victory.

"Are you cheating?" I picked up the cards and scanned through them.

"What, no. You just suck dude!" He tossed his little character into the air, catching it with ease.

"You can't just suck at Candy land! There's no strategy or anything complex. It's based solely on luck. The only way to lose like this is if someone was shuffling the cards in a certain order."

"I'm not cheating. If I were cheating, I'd be kicking your ass back to last week, but you've gotten really close to beating me. Sadly, God's on my side every turn."

"Whatever. Hey, what do you think Cartman's up to?" 

Stan shrugges and gathers the different colored people back onto the first square for another game. I reach for my phone and look through my recent texts with Cartman.

"He's been really weird lately. First, he avoids me for weeks on end, then he asks me about my sexuality, then he asks me how I feel about you, now he's stalking me?"

I read over the last text I had with him aloud to Stan, who doesn't really pay attention. He starts to play around with the little people as I read.

"FATASS: Hey Joo! U Liek guys or chicks?

KYE:What? Why do you want to know?

FATASS:Bcuz, im doin smthn. Dudes or chicks?

KYE:Like I'd ever tell you

FATASS: pls joo! i wont tell no one

KYE:No, and text normally."

I scroll down to our recent messages, where he asks how I feel about Stan, and read it over before telling him.

"FATASS:hey joo! how do u feel abt Stan

KYE: wdym?

FATASS: just like, in general. do u like him or smthn?

KYE: No, he's my best friend. You know this.

FATASS:just checkin"

They belong together-South park Style~(completed)Where stories live. Discover now