Drunk ass pervert

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I played games well into the day. It was 5:25 when I finally decided that running over pedestrians in Gta had gotten dull. I may be good willed, but it's fun to murder innocent people in video games. Anyways, I popped in a movie and waited longer. I figured he'd show up at some point. 

Another 25 minutes pass. Where the hell is he. I should contact him. If he's not gonna come here so I can talk to him in person, then I'm gonna do it over call. Either way, I need to ask him. I need to know. I went to my phone and rung him up. No answer. Called again. Still no answer. Then I heard someone  come in. Oh god, it better not be Cartman doing his plan thing. Not today, not now. I heard a faint call of my name. It might've been Cartman, but Stan does do a good impression of him. No, I can't take the chance of being wrong. I watched the door handle as if my life depended on it. Knowing Cartman, it might have.Surprisingly, Stan wobbled through the door.

"Stan?" I asked. He didn't answer. He looked tired and sweaty. He was bent of a little, his ears and cheeks dark red. As he came closer, a strong smell shot it's way into my nose. It smelled like a mixture of sweat and battery acid.

"Sick! You reek dude!H-have you been drinking?!". I hate it when Stan drinks. It wasn't as bad when we were younger, but now it's really becoming a problem. I looked at him, waiting for something to break the silence, and he fell to his knees. He started crying, and doing that cry where your words melt into cries, and you take breaths of air after every other word. 

""I'm sooorry Kye. Wendy*gasp* broke up*gasp* with me, and*gasp* I *gasp*dinnt know what to doo!" 

I crawled up to him and rubbed his back. We ended up in a hug and I comforted him the best I could. I guess I need to wait until tomorrow until I can ask him. I can ask him now, but I don't think I'll get a genuine answer. I want to talk to sober Stan about this.

Once he stopped crying, he pulled from the hug to look at me. His eyes were red and puffy, still  glistening a bit, and his blush was very much apparent. I can tell by the way his body's throbbing that he just got done working out. Maybe that exercise burned off some of the alcohol. Hopefully it did. I noticed his eyes went half lidded and he started to lean into me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying my hardest to keep a steady voice. I can't let Stan know my feelings yet. It's not the right time, or place, or state of mind. I felt his lips pressed on to mine. Holy shit, Stan's kissing me! I feel like I've been waiting years for this to happen. They're so soft and warm. I don't dare move. I might ruin it. I then got another whiff of beer, and I remembered that this is drunk Stan. He probably doesn't even mean this kiss. When he pulled off, he looked at me smiling. No, this isn't right. He doesn't mean it. He's drunk.

"Stan, you're drunk"

"Come on Kyle, you know you want this too, right?"

I don't know what he's trying to do, but this isn't it. This will never be it. He is drunk.

"Knock it off Stan. You're making me uncomfortable."

"But Kyyye, I love youu."

Ugh, not this again. I love Stan too and all, but I hate his whiny voice that he says that with when he's drunk. I'll only take it to heart when he says it and means it.

"Don't pull that shit on me again."

"I just want to love you, but you need to stop being a piece of bitch!"

Now he's getting pissed?! I trying to keep my temper, but he's making it extremely difficult.

"What does that even mean?"

Before I knew it, I was on the floor, with Stan towering over me. He pinned my wrists above my head. 

Just like the fantasies

No, this is wrong. I know this isn't what he wants, I know it. He may have a little crush on me, but he'd never do this. Even if he did have a big crush on me, he'd never touch me like this. Especially if I already said no. He started to invade my mouth with his tongue. Rubbing my walls and claiming every part of it. As much as I loved this, every rub against my tongue just reminded me of his current state. Drunk off his fucking mind. I need to get him off of me, before we both do something we'll regret in the morning. When he pulled away so I could catch my breath,  I took the chance and headbutted him.

"Ow! Fucking ouch Kyle!"

He let his guard down long enough that I slipped out from under him and sat with my arms crossed to face him.

"That's what you get for sexually assaulting me asshole! You should go home before I call your mom!"

"But Kyle, it's so lonely in that big house all by myself. You wouldn't dare make me go back, would you?"  

Damn, he knows just what buttons to push to get what he wants. He knows that I love him too much to deny him anything. Weirdly, he doesn't use it to his advantage a lot of the time. Mostly, he respects my space when I say no. I guess if he sleeps here tonight I can help him with his inevitable piercing hangover. And I can ask him what I've been dying to since earlier. He's not sleeping in my bed though. Not after that stunt he pulled today. I may be smarter than Stan by a longshot, but he's stronger, and that beats academic ability when you're being devoured by your childhood crush.

"Fine, you can stay here. But you're sleeping on the couch tonight just so I can help you with your hangover tomorrow okay?"

He nodded happily and I threw him a blanket. Since he couldn't catch that, I grabbed his arm and helped him down the steps. While helping him, I realised that Stan is more like his dad than he thinks. I'm not gonna tell him that though, unless it'll get him to stop drinking. He needs to have Rah dishapline. I don't think Stan remembers that lesson. Anyways, when I tucked him in, he looked at me with the sweetest face, and when I turned to go back upstairs, he called to me.


"I- Thanks for this. Also, what I said earlier wasn't just me bullshitting. I really do love you."

Finally, genuine words of love. I hope it's the love I want from him.

"I know, and I love you too. Now, go to sleep dumbass."

Tomorrow, I'll know the truth

Authors note: I finished this week's assignments, so I should be writing more until the 7th. Also, if my stories are a bit duller than usual, it's because I'm only getting 4 hours of sleep per day, so I'm hella tired. It's cool though, cause the weekend is coming up, which means I can sleep in as long as I want. I also have a Zoom meeting tomorrow at 3. Whoopie 😭

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