Out of the closet

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Kyle's POV

The next day, I woke up extra early and met up with Stan at the bus stop. First things first, tell the guys. Butters and Kenny always arrive here at that same time, so telling them will be a breeze. Then Cartman. Might as well get it out of the way right now. At school, we tell Craig's gang. They'll be cool with it. Then the asian girls. They'll make fanart and everyone will know soon. Lastly, our parents. They were always accepting, so it's no doubt they'll be happy for us. Great, everything's settled.

Me and Stan waited anxiously at the bus stop. He held my hand while we waited. It was helping me calm down a little, but nothing can prepare me for this. Kenny and Butters came shortly after we did, with Cartman trailing after them happily. Wait, Cartman's happy? Don't think about him. Focus on what we came here to do.

"Heya fellas. What are you two doing here so early?" Butters asked us. Stan messed with the collar of his shirt, and turned to me. I think he wants me to take this one.

"Um, we have something to tell you guys."

Everyone's eyes were on me. I gulped, and took a breath. I'm pretty good at public speaking, so this shouldn't be as difficult as it is.

"Me and Stan are an item." I said calmly. They looked at me, confused. Did I say it wrong?

"An Item?" Butters asked.

"I mean. me and Stan are dating."

I expected them to be surprised, or angry or something. They weren't Kenny and Butters pulled me and Stan into a hug, congratulating us. Cartman stood smugly next to them. When Kenny and Butters let us go, Stan asked the question that was on my mind.

"What are you so smug about Cartman?"

"Tell em guys."

I turned to Kenny and Butters, who were grinning at Cartman. I saw Kenny slip Cartman ten bucks, before starting.

"Cartman set you guys up. You have him to thank for getting together."

Me and Stan were speechless. There's no way Cartman set us up.

"No way."

Kenny nodded.

"It's true. How do you think me and Butters got together?"

"Ken!" Butters yelled.


Stan pitched in, speaking my mind.

"No way. You two are dating? And Cartman got you two together?"

They both nodded.

"How?" I asked. Cartman cleared his throat, then began,

"For these two, I just got Butters in trouble, making his parents send him outside. I knew Kenny took nightly strolls through town, so I knew he would've saw Butters and stopped to help. They went back to Kenny's house, and confessed their love. For you two, I just got Stan to bail on his date, making him come crying to you, Kahl. I knew you would miss school to care for him, and confess you love. It's pretty easy."

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