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Kyle's POV

Wednesday came quick,and Stan stayed at after school detention with Cartman and Craig.  According to what he told me, Cartman plans to explain everything to him today. I don't believe for one second that Cartman will just spill his scheme to Stan for, seemingly, no reason. There's usually a catch to these kind of things, and I assumed Stan would get the hint at some point, but nope, he was persistent in going to detention today. Whatever, I guess I don't have the power to stop him, plus he already got himself into this mess, and I doubt the teachers will let him out early because of some quarrel between piers. I decided against waiting for him at the track. My initial plan was to run at the track while Stan was in detention, but I changed my mind towards the end of the day because it looked like it was gonna rain. I'm really hoping it does so all this leftover snow can turn to mush and melt away already, but knowing south park, it'll just come back in a week.  When school finally ended, I followed Stan until he got to the detention room, where I turned to leave. He didn't seem too nervous about being in a room with Craig and Cartman for an hour and thirty minutes. I would be sweating my ass of if I were in his place, given I would never be as stupid to get detention anyways. I'm what the kids call a 'goody two-shoes'. Where did that phrase even come from? I shouldn't be questioning that, right now I should be tossing around the possibilities of what can go wrong in that room the second I step out of the building. There's quite a list, but as the responsible friend, it's my job to think these things over. 

On the walk home, I could feel my hair freezing like crimson icicles, and frostbite forming on my hands. My hair has mellowed out over the years. It's not as much of a labyrinth anymore like it used to be. It's more silky and long, like a nice scarf. I still keep it hidden under my hat most days though, cause I don't normally put too much effort into styling it. Stan really likes it though. I remember one morning I woke up and my hat came off in my sleep. I couldn't find the bastard anywhere, and I had to go to school without it. When I arrived, Cartman was the first to point out my dastardly curls, referring to them as 'Greasy bacon strips'. He probably thought he did something there. Anyways, when Stan saw, he was in awe, and even asked to run his fingers through it. I felt a tingle rush down my spine like lightning when his fingers gently brushed against my scalp. He said his fingers smelled like strawberries the rest of the day. That was an odd occurrence, hence the reason I always wear my hat. Cartman always insists I take it off for Stan, but I've grown to ignore him, but I have to admit, sometimes I lie awake at night recalling that day. Stan had a twinkle in his eye when he saw me, and his charming, princely smile seemed to grow ten times in size. I'd describe it as almost the same look he has when he looks at Wendy. I'd never say this out loud, but I'm jealous of her sometimes. Stan will blow off anything and anyone just to give her his undivided attention, including me. It makes me wish I was her sometimes. That feeling I had when Stan looked at me the way he looks at her, I question it at night, when my thoughts run wild cause I'm plagued with insomnia. Night after night, I'll run my hands through my hair, trying to replicate his, trying to feel what I felt that day as if it were a broken record. I try over and over, waiting for something. Anything, to strike with me. For one string to be pulled.  That was a feeling like no other. I know I have a crush on Stan. I always have, but it was always different for me. I didn't get the butterflies when he so much as laid a finger on me, or wrote combinations of our names in notebooks. No, I had a silent crush. The kind that not a soul knows about, and you're just being absorbed into the silence until you're nothing but that affection and admiration for the douche-bag you happened to fall for. Sure, I do have other qualities, but the confusing feeling I have for him takes up a huge part of my life, so much to the point where it's nightly routine to lie awake just thinking about him. I'll admit that I have a problem, but I'd much rather keep this to myself. I've thought about writing a diary, but that's likely to get read. The only way I can be sure that my secret stays hidden is if I bury it deep down, like a rotting corpse. I can only hope that my body doesn't decide to start a zombie apocalypse.

As a general rule, I didn't dare get anywhere near Stan and Wendy's relationship. There's a good deal of reasons as to why, but the main two being that, A. Wendy is suspicious of me and, B. getting myself involved in useless drama will only lead to conflict for the next two years between me and Wendy, and possibly Stan. Today would've followed the same guidelines, if it weren't for me and my dumb super hearing.  I swear I got it from my mom. I picked up what sounded like a sniffle. Usually, I'd brush this off as someone caught a cold from the piercing winter of a town we live in, but this sniffle didn't let me brush it off so easily. It was like a disturbance in the fabric of fate, and I needed to follow it. I soon found the cause of the small noise. Wendy was sitting alone in the park, sniffling as if she was gonna cry. Oh shit! Stan and Wendy always have lunch on Wednesdays. I can't believe we've been so busy we forgot. I bet you're thinking 'Kyle! It's not your responsibility to look out for Stan, that's his responsibility' and I'd have to agree with you, but due to my horrific passion for the guy, I could never deny Stanley Marsh anything, even if it's help with scheduling. He said I look cool when I'm focused, so I assumed a little planning with him couldn't hurt.

"Hey Wendy, you okay?"

"No. Stan bailed on me, after he promised he wouldn't. I'm so sick of that asswipe bailing all the time!"

"What do you mean? He's always cancelling plans with his friends just to hang out with you."

"Sure, he'll cancel a movie marathon with Kenny, or a basketball game with you from time to time, but when it comes to actual planned dates, he always has somewhere better to be. I bet he's gonna skip the dance too."

"Come on Wendy, there's no use waiting for him here.  There's still snow on the ground you know? You're gonna make your clothes stink of dried snow and dirt. Let me help you up."

I grabbed her gloved hand and pulled her up. She looked at me sympathetically, then sighed.

"I can't even be mad at him."

"You have a right to though. He totally left you hanging. If you want, I'll yell at him for you later."

"No, not that. I don't really care that he missed lunch with me. I mean, we have lunch every Wednesday."

"Then, why are you mad at him."

"It's just, he's always putting you before me. I'm jealous. The devotion and worship he has for you is unattainable. No matter how hard I try to get closer to him, he'll always put you first. I think he loves you. I mean, really loves you. Don't be mad at him for it though, I don't think he even realises that he loves you yet. I mean, he's always watching you in school, always pairing up with you for projects, always makes time just for you. As jealous as I am, I've gotta hand it to you Kyle, you've really won his heart without even trying. I don't want to get in the way of what you guys have, or what you might have. I'm gonna break up with Stan later today, so expect to see him soon. Okay?"

"O-Okay Wendy, but are you absolutely sure Stan loves me like you say he does?"

"Kyle, I've been dating Stan since the fourth grade. Our relationship has been on and off for years, and everytime I came back, he always was the same. I'm pretty sure he harbors some strong feelings for you, whether or not he knows it. Don't do anything stupid with this information, but just know that you will never find a guy like Stan. Don't let him slip through your fingers. Seeya later Kyle."

And like that, she was gone, retreating back to her house. I stood there for what I'm sure was centuries, soaking in all that just hit me today. I can't believe my ears. This has to be fake, but I see no reason as to why this would be fake. If what Wendy said is true, then I just might have a chance with Stan after all. I gleefully skipped home, and headed up to my room to prepare myself. In 25 minutes, Stan is gonna get out of that detention room, and either head here to discuss or head to Wendy's house to apologise, then is gonna come here to sulk. I'm gonna order pizza, cause pizza is good for either occasion. Plus, my parents are still out and Ike is gone at a friends house. I wonder if Ike has a friendship like I did when I was ten. Anyhow, when the pizza gets here, I open it, take a single slice, and turn on my Tv to watch Cartoons. I can't wait till Stan gets here

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