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Stan's POV

When I was in detention, I took a seat next to Cartman to talk to him. Craig was on the other side of the classroom, giving me death glares, but he's been doing that for days, so I ignored him. When I was seated, I brought out a algebra book to not raise any suspicion with the teacher, not like he was paying attention though anyways. I'm pretty sure he was watching porn on his phone. Kinda fucked up considering he's in a room with three underaged boys. Anyways, as I was pretending to read, Cartman slipped me a note saying 'So, you really want to know that you canceled your date with Wendy?' wait. Oh shit,  I forgot to tell Wendy I had detention. I saw Cartman with a smug smile on his face as he side-eyed my expression. That fat asshole planned this all along. I waited for the teacher to leave the classroom to 'clean his mess' so I could yell at Cartman.

"You planned this you asshole!"

"Of course I planned this. I told you to meet me here on Wednesday, and you did."

"You knew I'd miss my date with Wendy!"

"Hey, it's not my fault you didn't tell her. That's on you Stan, she's your girlfriend after all."

I paused. He was right. This is my fault.

"I would never miss a date with Tweek." Craig snickers.

"Shut the fuck up Craig! Alright fatass, what did you want to tell me today that made me miss my date?"

"Oh nothing much, I was just gonna say that I was stalking you and Kahl the other day because I'm conducting some research for my next scheme. That's all."

"You make me get in a fight with Craig, get detention, and miss my date with wendy just so you can tell me that what you were doing on sunday was part of a plan you're not even gonna explain!"

"Yup. Good luck dealing with that She-hippie after school."

He leaned back in his chair, smirking and I wanted to pounce on him and kick his ass, but I knew I'd just get more shit from Wendy, Kyle and literally everyone if I did that, so I sat back down, fuming. I'll get back to him later, but for now, I need to find out how to fix this.

When detention finally got out, I rushed out of the classroom and made my way to Wendy's house. I knew she'd be there instead of the park, cause once she realised I wasn't coming. she would've went home. I got there and knocked on the door as loud as I could. Her dad answered with an unfriendly look on his face. I've always been kind of intimidated by him, and I can tell he's upset with me for ditching Wendy. She must've been really upset then.

"Um, excuse me sir. Can I talk to Wendy?"

He grunted, turning and cupping his hands around his mouth to yell "Wendy!". I'm not fazed by this, mainly because I'm used to yelling from my dad. Not in a bad way, he's just very loud and expressive. Wendy comes down the stairs quickly and looks at me with a sad stare. I feel really bad.

"Stan, let's talk outside." she announces, making her way to me. I stepped back, so she could get through the door, and shoved my hands in my pockets, looking away. I took a deep breath and started,

"Look Wendy, I'm really sor-"

"I'm breaking up with you."

I looked at her. She was staring at the ground, a frown pasted on her face. I was confused, to say in the least.

"Wait, why?! I know I messed up, but that's no reason to just break up. Come on Wendy, give me another chance." I pleaded, but she shook her head.

"It's not just about the date Stan. I can tell that you don't really love me like you say you do. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but I'm not gonna stay in a relationship with someone who can't love me back."

They belong together-South park Style~(completed)Where stories live. Discover now