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Stan's POV

I woke up the next morning with a piercing headache and very dehydrated. When I checked the time, it was 1:56 PM. Jesus, I slept in late. I'm also assuming I missed school. Great! I wanted to get up and get something to drink, but I was stopped by Kyle. He already thought ahead and handed me a water bottle. I nodded in thanks and downed the whole thing in one go.

"So, Wendy broke up with you."

"Um, yeah."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm actually not too upset about it."

"Really? Weren't you just crying about it while drunk yesterday?"

"Yeah, but I'm over it now."

"I kind of doubt that."

We laughed, and I lied back down. Sitting in silence, Kyle turned on the TV.  He immediately turned it to 'Family guy', and sat back. I didn't really want to watch it, but Kyle seemed to enjoy it,so I just dealt with it. My head still hurt, and my throat was dry. I wanted to get up and get some water, but I was scared I'd pass out or throw up if I moved. God, I'm such a mess.

"You thirsty?" Kyle asked suddenly. I nodded, a little too eagerly, and he left to get more water. When he came back, he had some eggs and a breakfast sandwich on a plate.

"What's this?"

"A healthy breakfast. It'll help your hangover."

I nodded in thanks and devoured the meal like a wild animal. Kyle sure noticed, but he didn't comment, and turned to watch TV again. It was delicious, despite the breakfast sandwich being prepared in the microwave. 

"Jesus Stan, calm down."

"Well, that was some good grub dude."

Kyle shakes his head and returned his gaze to the TV. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, and cleared my throat. Right as Kyle looked back at me, and we locked eyes, I remembered how much of an ass I made of myself yesterday.

"Um, I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. That was shitty."

"Yeah, it was a bit shitty. But I forgive you."

I nodded and was about to watch more TV, but Kyle murmured something. When I turned to let him know he has my attention, he looked away.

"Did you, um, did you mean what you did? With the kiss and saying you loved me."

Shoot, am I gonna have to confess? Right now? Well, knowing Kyle, if he doesn't feel the same he won't just kick me out. He'll let me know, and he'll tell me that there's other people out there. But I don't want other people. I want him. No, I need him. He doesn't need me, but I need him. I need to try.

"Yeah, I did. I really do love you Kye." I paused, "Do you love me?"

"Of course I do Stan."

"No, I mean know, romantically?"

I saw his jaw clench in the corner of my eye. He fiddled with his hands a bit before replying,

"Yeah. You love me, romantically?"

"Isn't it obvious now?"

"How long?"

I sat up and thought back. I think I always had something for Kyle. I think I first realised it way back in middle school. If I remember correctly, I was sitting on the bleachers watching Kyle play basketball. Nobody really goes in the gym, so it was just me and him. I looked up from my homework, and Kyle had taken his shirt off cause he was super sweaty. I got an eyeful of Kyle's sweaty upper body, and my brain crapped its pants. I couldn't move or anything. It got even worse when he came and sat next to me, with a rag on his shoulder, panting. As he helped me, I couldn't keep my horny teenage brain straight and I ignore most of what he said. Later that night, I couldn't sleep because of that. His slim, pale chest, glistening with sweat. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and couldn't explain why.

"Since middle school. Seventh grade, I think. How about you?"

"Since forever dude. I think I always have, but I can't remember exactly when I realised. I think one snowy day, I just looked into your blue eyes, and your light,but not yet pale, skin and realised I was head over heels for you. I never thought I'd have a chance though. You were always with Wendy. Too distracted to notice."

I suddenly feel bad for Kyle. Sure, I love him back, but all those years of seeing my and Wendy together, dealing with me everytime we broke up, it must've been really hard.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For not noticing. For being too consumed by Wendy to even care. For not thinking about how you must've felt every time I showed up here drunk and sobbing. For all the nights I made you deal with my bullshit. For everything Wendy related. I'm sorry."

He didn't respond, and shifted so he was closer to me. I grinned knowingly. He's trying to cuddle with me. How cute. I moved, and wrapped my arm around him. He leaned into me. This isn't too far from the norm for us.

"By the way, you were right." I said simply.

"Right about what?"

"That breakfast really did help my hangover. Like a literal cure."

He giggled. Something from last night came back into my memory. I kissed him. When he didn't kiss back, I pinned him down and made him kiss me. God, I'm an idiot. I guess now would be a good time to make it up to him.

"Hey Kye."


"Want me to make it up to you?"

He turned to look at me.

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"Like this."

I leaned into him quickly. At first, he didn't move, then he started to. We were in sync with each other. Shocks flew off in my body the longer I kissed back. 

We pulled away sooner than I wanted, but when we did, he had this amazing half-lidded stare.

"Did that do it?" I asked quietly. He chuckled, and pressed our lips together again, pushing me back on the couch.

"Definitely." He answered when he broke off the kiss.

"You know we're gonna have to tell everyone we're gay, right?"

"Ugh, this makes us gay, doesn't it?"

"You bet your ass it does."

"Isn't that just fuel for Cartman's taunting."

"I can bear a bit of teasing."

"Me too."

We sat and watched TV for the rest of the afternoon. I went home at around 6 or 7, and we plan to come out to everyone tomorrow. I've known this town my whole life, and I think this'll go well. Maybe we can get the asian girls in on this too.

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