04 | Murphy's Law

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I yawn, scooting closer to Octavia and closing my eyes, feeling 100% comfortable for the first time in over a week.


     Today started off bad, with the discovery of Wells, his throat slit and fingers missing. We gave him a small memorial after burying him, and I leave Clarke alone so she can mourn in private. I went alone to where Jasper and Octavia would discover the knife and fingers in the show, snatching the blade and heading back to camp.

     Charlotte, the little rat, looks rather shaken at what she's done, and before anyone can even try to stop me, I grapple her wrist and pull her to a secluded part of camp. I cross my arms, letting go of her arm and giving her a serious look.

     "Well, Charlotte," I start. "You got something to say?" She stays silent, shaking her head and not meeting my eyes. I sigh heavily, crouching down to her height.

     "Charlotte, I saw you take Murphy's knife, and I found that same knife on the ground near Wells's fingers. Look, I know, okay?" Before she begins to panic, I add on, "I'm not going to get you in trouble, I'll keep you safe and make sure nothing happens, okay? But you need to be honest about it before someone else gets blamed for what you did."

     Reaching into my pocket, I hand her the bloodied knife, with JM carved into the side. "Bellamy," she sniffles, staring at the blade in her palm. "He told me to slay my demons, and then I wouldn't have any of the nightmares anymore."

     "Oh, Charlotte, honey, that's not what he meant. He meant to fight your fear mentally, not kill Wells." The twelve year old sniffs again, grabbing me in a hug, which, for me, is frankly uncomfortable with my position.

     Rubbing her back, I hush her. We stay like that for a while before she backs up, wiping her face. She nods, and murmurs, "Okay. Can... can you give me some time to? I'm scared."

     "Of course, Charlotte. It'll be okay, I promise. Now, I gotta go help Jasper, but you can take your time, okay? See you later." She stares as I leave, and I head up to the dropship.

     "Hey, Jas!" I call, and he greets me excitedly, sitting up. "You're looking much better," I laugh.

     "I'm feeling better," he chirps, smiling dorkily.

     Walking over, I sit down beside him, reaching and holding his hand. He shifts to lace our fingers, and I rub circles on the back of his rough hand.

     "I can ask Clarke about clearing you to walk around? You look like you're feeling well enough. Even for just a lap around camp, see the progress on the wall."

     Jasper sighs, staring at the blankets he'd kicked aside. He opens his mouth, and then closes it, shaking his head. "Hey, Jasp, it's okay if you're scared. Honestly, I would be, too. We can just walk keep to the camp if you want."

     To this he nods, looking relieved and thanking me. I smile, and then sigh. "I'm really glad you're alive, Jasper. I don't know if I could handle you dying on me."

     "Well, thank you for helping take care of me. Monty told me you barely slept for days." I flush, cursing Monty under my breath.

     "As if I wouldn't help the best I could," I scoff jokingly. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. That's-" I inhale deeply. "I like you Jasper. Even if we haven't known-" he leans forward as best he can, the hand not in mine cupping my cheek.

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