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Jeongyeon enterd a room which is alotted to her.

She sat on the chair infront of her mirror.

Tears started flowing as soon as she rememberd Nayeon.

Jeongyeon : "Where are you Nabong. Please just give me a hint"

This time the speed of her tears falling is much fast.

Jeongyeon : "It's been years..."

She wiped her tears and called her makeup artist.

Jeongyeon : "Sana... I need to do my make up again"

Sana is Jeongyeon's old friend. She is fimilar with all the stages and sadness she have gone through. Because of Nayeon.

Sana : "You cried again... Right?"

Sana knows Jeongyeon too well.

Jeongyeon : "I did... How can I control myself Sana-ya? This show is all about her. Past memories. Which makes me cry, regret, smile all emotions splash onto me"

Sana : "I'll be there. Just don't hurt yourself."

Jeongyeon hunged the call.

And waited for Sana to arrive.

She opened her phone and found herself as a Hot topic.

"The best Korean idol Yoo Jeongyeon revealed herself intrested in GIRLS"

"Yoo Jeongyeon, CEO of Yoo entertainment and a song writter + a singer reveals she was blindly in love with a girl"

"CEO of Yoo Entertainments was in love with her best friend"

"Top idol Yoo Jeongyeon said "She loves everything about her first crush and high school love""

Everything was about her. She sighed.

Jeongyeon : "It's not 'was' it's 'is' I still love her. Why they are using like my love was just in past. I still love her"

Her door opened with a bang. Revealing Sana with her girlfriend

Jeongyeon : "Hey Tzuyu and Sana"

She acted like she is totally fine.

Tzuyu : "Don't act unnie"

Tzuyu sat on the couch and Sana took out her make up box.

Sana : "Stop... Crying Jeongyeon. We don't know where she is"

Jeongyeon : "Why Sana... Why don't we know. We all were best friends. We were not just part of each other's life we ARE each other's life. Then where she is? Leaving her aside do you know where Momo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Mina are?  Why just we 4 are with each other. Why don't we have others?"

Her voice cracked.

Sana keep on doing make up.

She is right where are her other friends?

The same question caught Tzuyu off guard.

Jeongyeon : "Tzuyu... You, Dahyun and Chaeyoung were soo close. Do you know where they are Now? Sana... You, Mina and Momo were soo close do YOU know where they are Now? Talking about me... I was close with Nayeon and I don't know where they she is now"

Sana rubbed Jeongyeon's back to comfort her. All 3 girls tears were falling. They miss their old days. Jeongyeon is right. They are not just part of each other's life they ARE each other's life.

Now! Everyone is gone.

Where? God knows

Tzuyu gave Jeongyeon water to drink and she did.

Sana : "I am calling Jihyo. She'll be here. She is your manager she can handle you"

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