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Jeongyeon : "She said she'll be back... But she never came"

Tiffany : "She'll come to you know... Believe me"

She put her right palm on Jeongyeon's shoulder and give it a light squeeze.

Jeongyeon : "Why is she in Florida? And with Mina, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Momo?"

Tiffany : "Jeongyeon... The truth is... She have gone through... Amnesia"

Jeongyeon's world stopped, all sweet memories, all those sweet and sour words and most importantly her Kyung. She forgotted everything.

Tiffany : "But don't worry... She got her memory back about... 8 or 9 months ago"

Jeongyeon : "But the question is how did she got amnesia. And how the heck do you know her"

Tiffany : "She is Nichkhun's ex. I am his wife. Nichkhun was cheating on her even though he don't want to, and she too have a hint that he is cheating but the question is why she didn't stopped him? I don't talk to Nayeon a lot. I just use her house as a place to stay. Soo when I visited last time her amnesia was gone and she do remember me and what our relation was"

Jeongyeon nodded. Taking and noting down each and every word in her memory.

Jeongyeon : "unnie... Can I call you unnie?"

Tiffany nodded with a assuring smile.

Tiffany : "I don't know if you'll call me unnie or not after knowing that I was one of the reason why nayeon have amnesia"

Jeongyeon : "I can't unnie , because you are the one who is helping me to reach till. Nayeon... So I can't"

Jeongyeon : "Unnie... Please tell me everything"

Tiffany nodded.


Sorry for late update... I am a little busy now a days... And again I wrote this part in my online classes.

I really have a busy schedule from Monday to Saturday and on Sundays my parents are at home due to lock down so they keep an eye on me. That's why if I will keep on typing they'll think that I am texting someone. And my relation can be in danger soo... I am sorry... 😅

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