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Kyungwan and Nayeon enters in nayeon's room after greeting Nayeon's parents.

Nayeon : "I'll take shower first"

Nayeon announced.

Kyungwan : "Be in manners. Nabong. Don't you know you should let your guest to take shower first"

Kyungwan chuckled after teasing Nayeon.

Kyungwan : "You are not guest"

With that Nayeon enterd the washroom.

Kyungwan sat on the bed comfortably like she was at her house.

After few minutes Nayeon get back with her body wrapped with towel.

Kyungwan will be lieing if she'll say that she did not drooled over nayeon's body.

Nayeon : "Now you go and take a shower. I bought clothes for you it's in my wardrobe"

They sometimes have night stays at each other houses so... Whenever they go for shopping they did buy a comfortable pair of clothes for each other.

Kyungwan : "Again? I don't like this kind of prints"

Kyungwan pouted.

Nayeon : "You'll look cute in this and see it suits you too"

Nayeon chuckled.

Kyungwan : "A white top with an OSTRICH print on it and a blue pajama with lots of bunny?"

Nayeon : "That bunny PJ is mine. I bought a frog one for you"

Kyungwan : "Okay... Then I am gonna wear this bunny one"

Nayeon : "You are soo mean Yoo Kyungwan"

With that Kyungwan started to take shower.

After few minutes they both were sitting on nayeon's bed and watching TV.

Nayeon is between Kyungwan's legs.

(A/N just like Mina and Chaeyoung in isac sitting by back hugging each other)

Nayeon laid her head on Kyungwan's shoulder. And Kyungwan's hands were wrapped around Nayeon's waist.

Kyungwan : "I hate this show. But  I don't know why I am tolerating it"

Nayeon : "Because I love this show and you love me"

Nayeon turn her head to face Kyungwan.

Their faces were just inches away.

Their eyes met and it's like their eyes are having a deep jungle in which they both get lost.

Kyungwan's eyes shifted onto Nayeon's plumpy lips. Naturally red and pink. She wants them to be hers.

She looked in nayeon's eyes because she don't want to get caught looking at nayeon's lips like a pervert.

But she found that nayeon's eyes are too starring at her lips.

Nayeon is still drunk and Kyungwan knows this. If they'll do anything it will be nayeon's alcohol.

When she was lost in her thoughts and unknowingly starring at nayeon's lips. She felt nayeon's breath on her face.

She ignore "what's" she just crashed her lips onto nayeon's.

Just like to puzzle pieces they too fit with each others.

Kyungwan sucked her lower lips as her hands cupped nayeon's face.

And nayeon sucked Kyungwan's upper lips.

Both were as soft as sponge.

Nayeon's hands started trailing in Kyungwan's shirt.

She just let nayeon's hands travel.

They both parted they swear if air wasn't the problem they have never parted.

They both looked in each others eyes until nayeon felt asleep on Kyungwan's shoulder.

Kyungwan : "I hope you'll forget this tommrow I don't want to lose a precious friend like you because of this kiss"

She gently laid nayeon on the bed and kissed her forehead.

Present time...

Jin : "So... Did she forget the kiss?"

Jeongyeon nodded. With a faint smile

Jeongyeon : "When I was kissing her it's the most precious moment in my life"

Jin : " what's your age at that time"

Jeongyeon : "20!"

Jin : "Your story is making every one confuse Jeongyeon-ssi"

Everyone nodded with a chuckle.

Jin : "Soo... the next question is have you 2 ever been into a fight or an argument?"

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