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Jin : "Do you have a fight on your first meet?"

Jeongyeon : "Kind of..."

Jeongyeon chuckled before telling her fans the incident.


Kyungwan and chaeyoung stood in front of the elegant penguin and that bunny don't know what to say.

Both girls gave two Korean girls confusing look.

Nayeon : "Excuse me...  Do you need something?"

Chaeyoung looked at Kyungwan don't know what to say.

Kyungwan : "Uhmm... Chaeyoung... Yes! Chaeyoung what do you want to say...?"

Chaeyoung : "Me?... Uhmm... I want to say that... Aigoo Dahyun unnie is calling me. Unnie you continue to talk with them. I'll get back after talking to her. Byee unnie. And Mina-ssi" 

Chaeyoung looked at Mina who passed a confusing smile.

Nayeon : "And what do YOU want to say."

Nayeon looked at Kyungwan. She thought for a second before diverting her gaze to Mina.

Kyungwan : "Hello! Mina-ssi. I am Kyungwan I wa--"

Kyungwan was cuted by Nayeon's chuckles

Kyungwan : "What's funny?"

Nayeon : "Your name... *haha* Your name is like a boy"

Nayeon continued laughing.

Nayeon : "You look like a boy..."

She laughed like no tommrow.

Making fun of a 13 year old girl for her looks and her name is something which hurts like hell. It's insulting. Very insulting.

A drop of tear escaped from Kyungwan's eye.

Mina look at Nayeon and then Kyungwan.

She elbowed nayeon to stop laughing as she noticed Kyungwan's tears.

But Nayeon just ignored it.

Kyungwan ran away from Nayeon and Mina.

Mina : "YAAH! Nayeon unnie."

Nayeon turn her face to face Mina and wiped a tear which dropped while laughing soo hard.

Mina : "You cause her pain"

Nayeon : "Huh? Me?"

Mina : "Look... She ran away with TEARS in her eyes"

Nayeon : "..."

Mina : "Unnie... Go and say sorry to her"

Nayeon : "I will go and apologize to her"

Mina : "You should unnie... You should. Don't forget she is 1 year younger than you. Respect Her feelings"

Present Time...

Jin : "She made fun of you?  But you look so famine now"

Jeongyeon nodded with a little embarrassment

Jeongyeon : "Earlier my name was Kyungwan. Everyone in my school made fun of my name. I have short hairs. Till my ear. I prefer clothes with boyish look. You can say I wasTom boy"

Jin : "That's INTRESTING... So did that girl apologized to you?"

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