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Jungkook : "Soo... How are you feeling?"

Jeongyeon : "Great!!"

Jeongyeon lied with a FAKE jolly face.

Jungkook : "You can't lie... At least from ME"

Jeongyeon hide her face in enbarasment.

In corner Jihyo, Tzuyu and Sana were standing.

Jungkook : "Let's again play a round of Q and A?"

She nodded.

Jungkook : "Be honest... Okay! So first question... How are you feeling now?"

Jeongyeon : "My head is aching... And my heart is too..."

Jungkook : "Is there's a moment when you stopped thinking about nayeon-ssi?"

Their's a silence Jeongyeon heard the question but didn't know what to say...

Jihyo pulled Jungkook at the corner and started whispering to him...

Jihyo : "Mr. Jeon, it will only hurt her"

Jungkook : "Trust me! It's the only way... And please can you leave us alone... I am sure we will have ALL the answers of her ALL problems"

Jungkook smiled showing his teeth with look a little bit similar to bunny.

Jihyo : "But--"

Jungkook : "Mrs. Kang... Please don't stop me now... It's been 3 years since I am treating her and you are not letting me ask questions... She'll not make any progress. If you'll not let me ask questions to her... Giving her meds and therapy can make her feel better but it's temproray... We have to do her permanent treatment... So please let me"

Jihyo sighed and nodded. She knows how much pain Jeongyeon has gone through. And how much pain she is going through.

Jihyo : "Fine... But don't smile too much showing your bunny tooth... You... You resembles Nayeon unnie a little bit"

Jungkook : "Don't worry... I'll keep that in mind..."

Jungkook signaled them to leave Jeongyeon and Jungkook alone and SaJihTzu exited the room.

After 45 minuted Jungkook finally exited Jeongyeon's room.

Sana : "How's she?"

Jungkook : "A little fine from outside... But dead from inside"

Tzuyu : "What do you mean... Say it clearly"

Jihyo : "Is she obssesed?"

Jungkook : "Obssesed? No not at all... It's love... She is blindly and deeply in love with Nayeon-ssi... I talked to Her... Nayeon-ssi left her without a word... She left her in a confused state"

Daniel : "What do you mean by confused state?"

Daniel said as he arrived at hospital 20 minutes ago...

Jungkook : "Nayeon-ssi left her when she confronted her... They shared a kiss... A kiss in which Jeongyeon found love not as a best friend in  a romantic way... If she kissed her back... Then why did she left?"

Tzuyu : "So... Is this the reason why unnie keeps on fainting?"

Jungkook : "Yeah! One of them... First she love her and never thought of losing her. Second the curiosity of knowing why she left her after sharing a sweet kiss. And third she keeps on thinking about these stuffs even she don't want to think"

Sana : "She don't want to?  Every time we see her it seems like she don't want to forget those things"

Jungkook : "She wants to forget... Earlier her name was Kyungwan she changed it into Jeongyeon because she don't want to remember Nayeon-ssi when anyone will call her name... Nayeon-ssi loves jellies she haven't eaten it in 3 years... That means she is trying to forget her.. But always failing"

Jungkook : "And talking about obsession... She is  one hundred percent NOT obssesed... In obsession you want her no matter what... You want her to love you back... But she don't want that... She loves her, Nayeon-ssi's happiness is her priority. That's why when she kissed Nayeon-ssi for the last time. She was the one to break it because she knows... Nayeon-ssi's marriage is after 3 days of that kiss"

Jihyo : "What are the side effects she can face?"

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